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Old 07-08-2019, 03:35 PM   #1
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How long could a real life Casey Jones last before being killed or arrested?

Let's say someone in real life decided to do what Casey Jones did, and puts on a hockey mask and takes golf clubs and baseball bats to "clean up crime," and get "filthy criminal scum off the streets."

To make things fair the guy is reasonably well-buffed and athletic and has muscles, and to make things more realistic at least wears a bullet proof vest under his shirt. But other than that no real protection, and his only weapons are the stuff Casey uses.

Likewise in real life a guy doesn't just stand around waiting for some guy to steal an old lady's purse or wait for two guys to rob a bank like you see in comics/cartoons, a real life Casey Jones would likely be heading toward seedy underbelly drug-infested crime areas, "in da hood," and purposely seek out drug dealers or people with known criminal activity to stop them. So it's one guy versus like...10-15+ or however many guys are there.

How long could a real life Casey Jones last before he's either killed or the police arrest him?
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