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Old 04-02-2016, 04:35 PM   #1
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Disney's 'Rose Red' (a live-action spin-off 'Snow White' film)

Once again Disney is making a live-action film based on one of their animated films, but this time they are doing making a movie based one that started it all, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The film will, however, revolve around Snow White's estranged sister Rose Red. The story will take place around the time Snow White takes a bite of the poisoned apple. Grumpy then comes across Snow White's sister, Rose Red and the two of them must find a way to wake her up. Evan Daugherty, who wrote the script for Universal's Snow White and the Huntsman, is working on the script for this film as well. I like this idea because it might explain how the prince was able to find Snow White after not seeing her in almost a year, but there have been too many of these films about the story already.

There was actually a different fairy tale called Snow-White and the Rose-Red, but the Snow White in that story was a completely different character.
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