Thread: Discrimination
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Old 03-04-2017, 07:44 AM   #53
Foot Soldier
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Unrelated to your example but It's kinda odd/funny how so many people nowadays, even non-believers, hold superstitious beliefs. Some of them quite silly. And don't get me started on football supporters who really believe that their pre-match rituals such as wearing their "lucky boxers", "lucky scarves", or wtv, is gonna lead their team to victory.
I think part of that is psychological. I don't leave the house without my ipod and if I go I feel very insecure. I know there's no logic to it but I just find it comforting and others may be the same with other objects like phones, or make-up.
In some ways they're like cuddle blankets and we never really grow up, we just change our security objects.

Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
I wouldn't go that far. Most religious people are normal everyday folk like you and me. See, that's the thing. Being religious or not is NOT what defines your character.
Agreed. It's also important to remember that religion is influenced by culture and people interpret their religious texts in light of their culture. In a more liberal culture like e.g. some parts of the UK, you have very LGBT+ friendly places of worship and LGBT+ preachers where as if you go to more conservative parts of the US, some places of worship won't accept interrracial couples.
It's the culture that can make the difference.
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