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Old 03-07-2018, 07:09 PM   #61
Abby Normal
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not sure if i've shared this before or not?

this was many years ago but i guess it still counts as a white whale, and you all might get a chuckle out of this?

back when Ninja Turtle merchandizing was at it's highest, i had taken a fancy to those nasty (vanilla pudding filled) Ninja Turtle pies.

anyone remember those things?

each pie would include a free sticker


after a while i pretty much had the entire set, except for Leonardo. figures right? the one i had wanted most. sure it was a doofy looking version of Leo, but still...

anyway, week after week i'd go to the local convenience store and pick up a pie hoping i'd get a Leo.
eventually i started buying TWO pies at a time hoping i'd get it.

at last i couldn't take it anymore!!!
when the store got their new shipment of Turtle Pies i went in and bought the WHOLE batch. (maybe about a dozen pies)
on the walk home i started eating one of the pies, but of course it was yet ANOTHER Raph!!
i had had enough!!! i started opening each one of them right there hoping i'd FINALLY get the damn Leo sticker!
as fate would have it i got multiples of EVERY Turtle EXCEPT LEO!!!!
in a fit of disgust i threw out ALL those damn pies!!!

looking back on it now it really is pretty silly seeing how bad the art on those stickers are.
i mean it's not like they used the same Tmnt art as the Mirage iron-on patches.

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