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Old 06-24-2018, 05:18 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Stockholm
Posts: 9,439
What do I want? Shucks, it'd be easier to list what I don't want.

I Don't want:
  1. April as a reporter, most people need to let go of that notion.
  2. Giant Turtles with super strength, because the mutant turtle angle doesn't require it.
  3. Pizza Jokes, since they're not funny, never were, never will be.
  4. Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady, they're not interesting and they usually come across as annoying.
  5. Humans mutating into animals, which is pointless and makes things more confusing even in the case of Splinter, no matter how you try to justify it.

Those are things I'd be happy if they ignored. Trying to figure what I'd actually want is trickier but it boils down to one of two things.
A) Adapt what actually worked rather than bait nostalgia.
B) Go back to the basic concept and rethink it.

Which to me basically means "A Mirage story restructured to fit a cinematic narrative" or "IDW's ideas in a new story that's less dense" or "Let some creative person read som TMNT comics and go nuts". Besides, TMNT as a concept isn't that hard to wrap your head around. Daredevil+X-Men+Animals=TMNT.

Maybe I come back with something more specific, but being vague here is the point. Unless you're heading the project yourself, you shouldn't want anything too specific, that's just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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