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Old 07-21-2012, 01:43 PM   #97
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Episode 39: Green With Jealousy
Written by: Reed Shelley and Bruce Shelley

Voice Cast:
James Avery: Shredder, Sailor
Cam Clarke: Leonardo, Rocksteady, Flower Delivery Guy
Townsend Coleman: Michelangelo, Krang, Burne Thompson
Jennifer Darling: Irma Langinstein
Barry Gordon: Donatello, Bebop
Renae Jacobs: April O’Neil
Rob Paulsen: Raphael
Peter Renaday: Splinter, Vernon Fenwick, Submarine Captain

1. When Shredder blows candle smoke in Krang's android body, his body sneezes in Krang's voice, but Krang's android body doesn't have a voice.
2. Right as the love potion takes effect, Leonardo's and Michelangelo's voices switch places.
3. Leonardo and Donatello get stuck in the submarine porthole. When Bebop then releases a missle, the turtle's voices are switched.

Catchphrase/Insult Countdown:
1. Krang calls the Turtles "wretched reptiles" at the end of the first Technodrome scene.
2. When Rocksteady and Bebop arrive at the surface the second time, Rocksteady says "it's Turtle trashin' time!"
3. April says "let me go you disgusting creep" when held hostage inside the submarine.
4. Michelangelo says "Cowabunga!" when he jumps off the pier into the harbor shortly after becoming free from the love potion.
5. Shredder says "Blasted Turtles" when they see them swimming toward the transport module below the submarine.
6. Shredder says "wretched reptiles" shortly before the Technodrome floods.
7. Krang calls Rocksteady and Bebop "mutant morons" when they return in the flooded Technodrome.

Pizza References:
1. When Rocksteady and Bebop land their transport module at the surface, a building with the word "pizza" over the door is visible.
2. Rocksteady tells Bebop that they need to pour the love potion on the pizzas.
3. The Turtles drive to a pizzeria in their Turtle Van and Michelangelo says he wants some so he doesn't go empty handed. The turtles are then shown eating pizza in the Turtle Van while driving back, noting that Donatello warns that the pizza they just purchased was supposed to be for April and Irma. Michelangelo says that peanut butter and clams are an acquired taste. What the Turtles don't know is that Krang's love potion is hidden inside that pizza, and it causes Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo to fall in love with Irma.
4. Donatello while in the lab examines crumbs from the last pizza the Turtles' ate and discovered that it contained love potion within it.
5. Rocksteady is eating a slice of pizza while they travel in the transport module back to the surface for the second time.
6. Donatello creates a chocolate chili pizza in order to use an antidote to restore everyone back to normal. The Turtles on eat some of the pizza after Splinter tells them that the pizza was for Irma, which forces their minds back to normal.

Pop Culture References:
No real "pop" references in this episode, though alot of terms and quotes about love and relationships are used, such as "sugarlips", "puppy love", "my darling", and "the course of true love never runs smoothly".

Fourth Wall Breaking Humor:
None in this episode.

Wacky Inventions:
1. The Technodrome's storage battery
2. Krang's love potion
3. Donatello's antidote to the love potion
4. Rocksteady and Bebop's radio-controlled torpedo and raft

Rocksteady drags away April at the Naval Yard, drags her onboard and ties her up aboard the USN sub.

The only episode in which both Krang and Burne Thompson are voiced by Townsend Coleman.
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Last edited by pannoni1; 08-11-2012 at 04:33 PM.
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