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Old 06-17-2017, 04:07 AM   #32
Andrew NDB
Weed Whacker
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Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
If you look back to the start until now, this is what we get.
  1. A Daredevil/X-Men inspired comic.
  2. A cartoon that pretty much ignores the comic beyond convention in favor of making a comic and barely using any characters, imagery or events from the comics. Instead relying on new ones and cartoon clichés.
  3. A kiddy Comic that is pretty much just the cartoon with a much better story a slightly different character roster that got more different over time.
  4. A series of Video Games that are made almost entirely in the style of the cartoon.
  5. A Movie that uses events from the events from the original comic and frames it roughly like an episode of the cartoon.
  6. A second movie that is pretty much a pseudo-adaptation of the cartoon.
  7. A third movie that has almost nothing to do with anything, the script might have passed for an episode of the cartoon though.
  8. Later seasons of the cartoon that tries to have a more serious tone but fails spectacularily.
  9. A Live-Action show that is sort of a sequel to the movies.
  10. A second cartoon that's pretty much a remix of the original comic made more kid oriented.
  11. A fourth movie that tries to emulate the tone of the comic beter than before but features none of the events.
  12. A comic that is a hybrid of the original comic, the first cartoon, the kiddy comic and the second cartoon. Leaning towards a darker tone.
  13. A Third cartoon with a disjointed tone and really bizarre blend of older cherrypicked material, mostly warped beyond recognisability.
  14. A Reboot movie that can more or less be described as a remake of the first movie, just with more action and a lack of earnesty.
  15. A sequel that is basically a bastardised adaptation of the first cartoon and possibly the worst of the movies.
That's actually right about on the mark. Pretty darn close.
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