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Old 03-31-2019, 06:29 PM   #50
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@Storm Eagle

My brother and I had a Game Gear when we were kids. I only recall having like 2 games for it. A sonic game and a Shinobi game. The GG sucked. It took 6 batteries.

Originally Posted by Roseangelo View Post
I play Pokemon GO. It's a phone app, so not exactly what I believe is the intention of this question, but when we've got a large group of people together in a public spot for a raid or other reason, we can get a lot of weird looks and people asking us if we're some sort of "phone convention."

Otherwise, I have no problem bringing my 3DS or Switch out in public, if I have reason to. I will bring the Switch out when I'm playing Pokemon GO to help other players acquire a Mystery Box from Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. And I also brought it on a plane with me for a recent trip. I've honestly only ever used it in handheld mode anyways (plugging in the dock means trying to organize a bunch of cables, which I haven't dedicated myself to doing yet).
Well, hard to leave the house without a phone nowadays, tbh. We live in a time where we rely a lot on our phones. Plus, everyone carries around a phone nowadays, while not everyone carries around a handheld video game system. And if you're playing Pokémon Go in large groups then it's more unlikely someone will come up to you and snatch your phone, anyway.

Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
I don't know about using handheld devices in public is a good idea. Especially if its in places where you'll potentially get mugged and your 3DS stolen.

Phones are OK however with games like Pokemon Go.
Well I don't go to dangerous places, but you can never be careful enough. Playing it on the bus or metro could be risky if you're close to the door and some opportunistic thieve jus snatches it from your hands and runs out of the train/bus with your handheld system. Not saying it's something that happens often out there, but it's still a potential risk. On an air plane it's safer since you can't just get out when you please.

I just find it a bit unpractical to play the 3DS in public tbh. Especially in a more crowded area. I did bring my 3DS to university and play it after having lunch and waiting like 30 minutes for my class next to the door, but that's a much more familiar place and there wasn't really any fear someone would snatch it from my hands. I also did play a few Smash matches on my 3DS during class without the professors noticing. I sat in the back, put the backpack on my desk, opened the backpack, pretended I was going through its inside looking for something when I was actually playing a quick Smash match . None of the professors seems to have noticed it ever. And tbh, I don't think they'd care as long as you didn't pull it out and played it right in their faces.
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