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Old 04-16-2017, 06:06 AM   #8
Big Blue Boy Scout
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When the Triceratons first appeared in the 2k12 toon, it immediately got me thinking of the 87 versions. Since its heavily implied that both versions share the same Dimension X and that Krang was retconned to be a member of the Kraang, I think its also possible that the Triceratons from both shows are the same.

It could've gone like this:

After the destruction of their homeworld at the hands of the Kraang, the Triceratons attempted to re-colonize themselves and destroy their enemies at the same time. They made a plan where they would use two devices, the stargate generator and the blackhole generator for two different purposes. The stargate generator was built for transporting a planet into Dimension X while the Blackhole generator had the capability of destroying an entire planet.

In their quest for searching a planet, the triceratons settled on earth because of their dislike for humans, whom they saw as worthy of punishment due to their arrogance, disregard for the environment and so on. When they discovered that 3D Earth was inhabited by Kraang, they saw this as a perfect opportunity to wipe out both the Kraang and humans while 2D earth would be transported to Dimension X where humans would be used as slave labour
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