Thread: [Fan Art] Mostly Utroms
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Old 12-13-2015, 02:25 AM   #4
Resident overthinker
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"Worth Abandoning"

"I have seen the cost of your pride. And I have no use for it. Not anymore. I could have you forcibly removed. But you're not worth saving. You're not even worth killing."

I've been drawing Utroms enough in frequency that I feel like I can revisit old art and redo it.

For example, a scenario while Krang is in the lift after abandoning his father to die. Now, the last remaining survivors of his species are huddled in a bunker, scrambling to prepare for their hibernation; the rest are dead as a result extermination of resources or slaughtering in the rebellion - both of which have dragged the planet into its own doom. And it's all Quanin's fault. But Krang was willing to give him a chance; he's his father after all. And he had the gall to assume that they would survive on their dead planet.
What's a guy to do but cry a little while he has the chance - before anyone can see and while he's in a truly isolated place? He failed his species, he failed his home and his father has fallen out of the wagon.

This is the first version from early August

And this is the new one from a few days ago
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