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Old 10-29-2016, 09:43 AM   #120
Canadian Turtle
Mad Scientist
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Small town Ontario, West of Toronto
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That is roughly where we are focusing, that era of the down time and then moving into the new boom we are still experiencing today. We got some great new stuff about those years and stories from Kevin on this last round of filming. We are still planning on heading East to see Peter again for this film as well.

The reasons we have been so quiet on social media and on here these days is that sadly our studio burnt down a few weeks ago. Now before anyone worries that we lost any content, we take all the necessary precautions to insure content is spread out between different physical locations. That and the control room did not burn, only the main area where all the gear and sets are stored. There was a lot of smoke damage to the electronics however, so we are working very hard to back those up and start re-building again.

I have also jumped head-first into the post process on our He-Man documentary, which should be coming out soon I believe, I really need to hurry up and get that edit done! We should be following that up with the finishing on Turtle Power II if all goes as planned. Thanks everyone for staying with us and giving us your thoughts and feedback, it is much appreciated!

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