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Old 04-12-2015, 12:25 AM   #17
Foot Soldier
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Originally Posted by senpai View Post
Yeah! Feel free to share them. I'd like to read them sometime. Your dreams sound like mine. A bison! How bizarre! Anyway, I'm sure you'll figure something out for their powers. Powers can be so fun to create.

It's hard to just openly discuss what I'm writing about. I always get funny looks or ‘awww’s from people when I tell them I’m writing a story about pigs. They assume I'm writing for children or imagine it’s going to be a fun(ny) story. Anyway, it’s a survival story about a group of pigs escaping a farm when they learn they’re going to be killed. My objective is to subtly educate people about pigs through my narrative (they are my favorite animals!) while playing around with some of the facts to make the story interesting.

To answer your question, I find it very helpful to listen to music while I set up a scene. Music like movie and/or video game soundtracks. Nothing with lyrics--that's too distracting. When I need to get something out and I’m having trouble, I’ll listen to a song that I think captures that scene well, and I’ll just write. I don’t worry about spelling or how coherent my sentences are. After I feel like I got the gist out, I turn off the music, go back to edit and clean up what I did. At least then I got out the pivotal points that I was struggling with before and can now focus on the actual writing part. This may not work for everyone but it may be worth a shot for you.

I attached the document I'm currently using- it's just simple text, because the 'Drome didn't like uploading a Word one, so please bear with the simple format. The list of characters and their powers is at the top. It's a bit dated- for example, I don't think Alex is going to have to cut himself in order to give himself a metallic shell: I think I'll just have him be able to change his skin to metal at will, although unlike Colossus, he doesn't have to transform his entire body. Feel free to offer any thoughts if you have them.

I don't see how a story about pigs escaping a farm can't be fun! Although it sounds much more serious, from the sounds of it. My friend has a black mini-pig whom she bred to an even tinier mini-pig, and the piglets are due at the end of this month. I'll try to send you some pictures if I get any. I'm guessing you already have some personality traits picked out for your story pigs?

I'll definitely have to try that sometime, thank you! I used to really enjoy the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack, so maybe I'll have to dig that one out and see if it inspires me.

100% Jellybean and proud!
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