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Old 05-29-2022, 04:53 PM   #27
Megan Fox = April
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I unironically love Shadow the Hedgehog, my first Avatar on the technodrome was Shadow. Who cares if we get an accurate Shadow the Hedgehog origin or not, the actual story of shadow is so dumb that changing it up a bit as long as the essence is there works.

As far as the Shadow the Hedgehog game, it's an awesome game that gets tons of underserved hate. Remember when Sonic Adventure 2 came out and people wanted a game with only Sonic levels? Well that's exactly what Shadow the Hedgehog was, the star fox like choose your own path worked great for replay value. Yeah it has all the same camera and other problems the previous games had but if you just wanted more sonic levels that's what you got.

Using weapons and vehicles was actually a lot of fun, who cares if it made sense or not. And the story well it's cheesy and edgy but it's entertaining. It's not like the story of Adventure 1 and 2 are anything amazing either. I mean it's a story of a character called Sonic the Hedgehog, I just need a reason to go from point A to point B. I don't want deep lore for a blue hedgehog with gloves as long as I get a plot that entertains me.

I think this movie will be great and boy will it bring the autism to a max when a new generation of kids loves Shadow unironically as well. The movie will get bad scores but it'll be a glorious movie. No doubt Shadow alone being in the movie guarantees it'll be a success. I just wonder what they'll do for a Sonic 4 to keep the interest going. Or perhaps they'll just say "**** it, our main audience is kids" like the Ice Age movies did and stop caring about what the next movie is since kids will eat it up anyway.
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