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Old 01-23-2016, 01:47 AM   #1010
The Franchise
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
I don't think the CG was done, per-se, but the rest of it...I couldn't agree more. I put it off to having paid money for a script, and the sleigh ride was the pitch they used to sell the concept. "there's this great scene, like nothing you've EVER seen before". They built the entire movie around the stupid snow scene, because somebody signed off on it in the very beginning. It was the stupid giant Spider of the PD production. Possibly, it was the only set piece they knew they could keep, that didn't revolve around aliens.
Absolutely. Which, again, happens ALL the time. The Snow Chase was the proof-of-concept pitch that got the movie's funding approved... and again, they probably didn't have a single other idea written down by that point. You always have to show the producers the "Money Shot" that's going to eat up most of the budget. That scene HAD to be in; everything else was just stapled onto it piece by piece.

Same reason why Fox HAD to be April; typically, you need One Big Scene, and One Big Name before your movie gets a green light, because it's assumed those two things are what will bring in the customers, all else be damned.

So, it was, "You need that Snow Chase scene, and you need Megan Fox to play April... but otherwise, we completely don't care what you do. Go nuts."

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I laid them out in stone, in case they need to last forever..."

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