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Old 12-31-2016, 12:49 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
"Why are you so quiet?"

Although these days it more often tends to be posed more as a comment than a question, but it's still there.

Typically I just shrug and tell them "I just am." I mean, what am I supposed to say? Questioning someone's inborn nature is kind of rude. What if I asked some others why they're so loud or whatnot? Maybe I'll start saying "I'm a ninja" just to throw them off.

Oh yeah, way more socially acceptable. Not that heavier people don't have an awful lot aimed at them, but it is widely understandable that they may rightly be offended (even if the offender doesn't care). Thin people though are looked at as if we aren't supposed to get offended by such intrusive questions or suggestions.

Had I grown up making fun of my sister's weight I'd have been in trouble, but comments on me (the total opposite) weren't ever off limits even from my own mother. (My sister is totally comfortable in her own skin, and I'd like to think I may have had a hand in that having told her a number of times in her teens that it is totally okay to be who she is, not everyone is meant to be thin.)
I used to get asked when I was a kid/teenager. I'd always say "I have nothing to say". Way more people should keep their mouths shut more often.

Yes, being a fat person is even worse, especially a fat woman. Most guys claim that a girl/woman being fat is a turnoff.

As for thinness, I think nowadays it's mostly due to peer pressure from society who wants everyone to be gym models. Apparently we all need to have bodybuilding bodies and every woman needs to have a big ass and D cups. For us guys it can be more of a hit to the ego. Hence why, if you ever been to a gym, you'll see scrawny guys trying to lift way more weight than they can handle. Because society tells them they should be buff and also seems to miss the point that gains like that take a long time.
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