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Old 01-02-2005, 03:02 AM   #72
Tea Time!
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You're not a jerk Ai. We're all just stressed out. I just get depressed when I see my one escape in life begin to become as soulless as Hollywood and the rest of the media as they slowly take it over and control the content. Sorry about your relitives man. We're having the same thing here.

You know, this wouldn't be as depressing if Nintendo would just get off their ass and do some proper advertising. They've done better lately, but it's not enough. I'm just hoping they've been saving the ad budget for this Spring when they'll need it, because they can't have spent $40 million on just the little we've seen with DS on TV. More like $5 million. Meh, they need an ad that's just simple. Screw the artistic/edgy stuff. Yeah, they're fun to watch for us, but the average boozer dosen't have the patience to wait 15 seconds before they show a little game logo to tell you what in the hell it was you just saw. Just show *insert character here* kicking ass while screaming some lame ass pop music and showing magazing quotes saying "this game owns all" ect. That's the lesson they could learn from Sony. They make a lot of crap, but they can sell anything because they know how to mess with the general public. Metroid Prime could outsell GTA 2 to 1 if they advertised it half as good as Sony.

Point is, they have better content than anyone else. They don't ever need to change how they make the games. Just the way they promote them. Just sell it dirty like Sony, then we'll be the ones people hate for having the highest selling games ect. Hopefully Reggie can prove my point this year. They didn't do it in 2004 because there was no compatition and such.

Geeks just don't get a break, in any generation.
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