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Old 11-18-2018, 12:55 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Nah, they knew they're mutants. From the first episode ending:

They probably were just too young to remember where or how they came to be. But at the same time, I guess Splinter never told them?

Although in that first ep they already were given reason to suspect Draxum had a hand in it, so why they should be surprised now is beyond me.
They suspected they were somehow mutated by the substance that Draxum used, they didn't officially know that they were mutated by Draxum himself. Or at least that news hadn't really sunk in before now.

Sometimes when we hear something big it doesn't register right away, because your mind is too focused on something else to pay attention to certain information. Or you are too shocked to really process the information.

That sounds like that may have been what happened to the Turtles here, since they were likely just toddlers best when they were first mutated. So they were too young to fully remember what happened. Splinter being a deadbeat dad feels very insulting to the character. But perhaps that is how he is protecting his sons to keep them from asking too many questions about their origin. But now that the cat is out of the bag so to speak, the turtles are going to begin questioning how were they mutated? Why were they mutated? How did they escape Draxum? And the first person they would turn to is dear old dad.
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