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Old 02-13-2016, 10:17 AM   #455
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Originally Posted by Foombamaroom View Post
Not gonna lie right now, TrickOrTreater, Leo, and Cylon are my favorite people on this forum.

It's funny how much everyone 'cares' about this movie, though. I'm gonna watch it as in pirate it because I refuse to give Bay more money. But anyone who thinks Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady, and Casey were added in there for anything but helping this movie make more money is foolish.

They don't have an endgame with this trilogy. They're just taking it one movie at a time with the same generic plot. It's like a Bay Mad-Lib.
-Focus on human characters.
-Provide fan-service by adding characters that really don't affect the story and don't come organically.
-Give awful jokes.
-Produce an awful movie and then claim it's just a 'kid's movie.'

If you've read Blue Door, you already have a general idea of how they're gonna handle Bebop and Rocksteady: they're gonna fight the Turtles once and then Casey is going to somehow take them out.

You also know what's going to happen to Krang.
Krang's going to show up at the end of the movie, give the Turtles a little ass whopping on top of a high up exterior location(Just like Shredder did, sigh.), and then get miraculously beaten. However, I feel as if we're going to see April just come on top of the Technodrome and push him off.

Don't worry its tradition at this point.
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