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Old 04-16-2016, 04:53 PM   #24
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To be honest, Hollywood could possibly get away with turning those characters white or black easily since Pokémon, despite being a Japanese product, doesn't really have a setting that immediately tells you that it's Japanese. It's a fictional world(well there is also a region in Japan called Kanto...) with fictional creatures. And also, Pokémon has been localized to death that no one in North America or Europe knows the original names of the characters or many Pokémon. They only know their English names. Pokémon had to localize a lot of its naming due to all the puns, in order to make them understandable. In countries like Germany and France, they translate a lot of Pokémon names as well.

And considering this would be made by Americans, you know there'd be an outrage if everyone would be of the same race in this movie. It's like an unwritten rule that every American made stuff needs to have a representative or two of every major ethnic group residing in the country.
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