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Old 03-14-2007, 10:14 PM   #34
Rat-faced Dude-guy
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Episode 17: The Catwoman from Channel Six
Written by: Richard Merwin

@ James Avery: Shredder,
@ Townsend Coleman: Michaelangelo, Woo
@ Cam Clark: Leonardo, Rocksteady,
@ Jennifer Darling: Irma
@ Pat Fraley: Krang, Burne Thompson, Sumo
@ Barry Gordon: Donatello, Bebop,
@ Renae Jacobs: April O’Neil,
@ Rob Paulsen: Raphael, Restaurant Patron
@ Peter Renaday: Splinter, Vernon Fenwick, Myron Bimpilton

1. While Bebop and Rocksteady munch on Chinese food on the Matter Transporter, Bebop’s mohawk is solid brown.
2. Bebop draws a wooden sword that becomes a baseball bat.
3. As Bebop and Rocksteady enter the lair, Bebop has 2 mouths.
4. After Bebop knocks Raphael’s sais out of his hang, his gear turns orange.
5. The antennas of Donatello’s Turtle Com are green, not grey.
6. When Splinter explains about “Shredder’s Thugs” attack, Michaelangelo’s wrist band is missing.
7. When April leaves Michaelangelo is sitting between Donatello and Raphael, when Raphael says she shouldn’t go alone to Woo’s, Leonardo is between him and Donatello.
8. April’s eye blinks flesh tone when she completes her transformation.
9. Leonardo talks to Irma on Aprils Turtle Com, but his bandana is red on the view screen.
10. Leonardo’s Turtle Com has no antennas when he talks to Irma.
11. When Michaelangelo tells Donatello the cat is attracted to him because he eats anchovy pizzas, he speaks in Raphael’s voice.
12. At times Splinter has 1, 2, or no badges on his kimono.
13. When Leonardo is contacted by Splinter, his Turtle Com is brown and later the shell portions disappear.
14. Leonardo uses his sword to remove April’s mind-control collar, but when she comes to her senses Donatello is holding the katana.
15. When Michaelangelo uses his mouse to distract the tiger, Splinter’s bottom lip is flesh tone.
16. After the mouse bites Bebop’s finger he has 2 mouths again.

Pizza references:
1. The Turtles are eating pizza while they watch a monster movie on TV.
2. When April spies the Mutants’ take out containers, she asks if the Turtles have sworn off pizza.
3. After rescuing Donatello, Michaelangelo tells him “pizza’s the perfect payback!”
4. The cat comes to Donatello, not because he’s her favorite, but because he eats anchovy pizzas.
5. The Turtles eat pizzas at the end of the episode.

Catchphrase Countdown:
1. The Turtles yell “Turtle Power!” as they attack the Mutants who just broke their TV.
2. Shredder calls Bebop a “Cretan” twice.

Pop Culture References:
1. Leonardo and Michaelangelo do a Bogart impression, Michaelangelo admits he can’t do Bogie.

Wacky Inventions:
1. Matter Transporter
2. Mind-Control Collar

Forth Wall Breaking Humor:
1. Michaelangelo challenges the audience to say “furious fun-filled food flinging fight!” three times fast.

1. Irma actually meets the Turtles for the first time in this episode.

Episode 18: Return of the Technodrome
Written by: Michael Reaves

@ James Avery: Shredder,
@ Townsend Coleman: Michaelangelo
@ Cam Clark: Leonardo, Rocksteady,
@ Jennifer Darling: Irma
@ Pat Fraley: Krang, Burne Thompson
@ Barry Gordon: Donatello, Bebop,
@ Renae Jacobs: April O’Neil,
@ Rob Paulsen: Raphael
@ Peter Renaday: Splinter, Vernon Fenwick

1. Throughout the episode Donatello’s wrist band disappears and reappears.
2. Krang’s tentacles aren’t seen this entire episode.
3. Donatello’s wrist bands are green when April arrives at the lair.
4. Several different times while Krang is watching the portal, his shoes are peach not red.
5. When Shredder turns to yell at the Mutants, his torso is flesh colored.
6. When Shredder and the Mutants enter the power station; Bebop’s mohawk is completely brown.
7. The number of Foot and Rock soldiers changes every time they are seen.
8. As the Turtles are about to go over the falls, Donatello’s wrist band flashes back on, though it is still colored green.
9. As the Turtles hang from the blimp, Leonardo and Donatello’s plastrons are a bit too short at the bottom.
10. Leonardo talks to an invisible Michaelangelo, Donatello, and April.
11. When Michaelangelo responds to Leonardo, his mouth doesn’t move.
12. When Donatello says, “I’ll try,” his mouth doesn’t move.
13. When Donatello says, “Hey, it worked,” his mouth doesn’t move.
14. Before the break the Turtles’ weapons were drawn, but they are sheathed when we return.
15. Donatello’s voice says, “Watch and learn,” but Leo’s mouth moves.
16. When Krang is on the Turtles’ TV, there is a blank spot in the screen that you can see the lair wall through.
17. When Rocksteady asks Shredder why he stopped, his teeth blink grey, and his belly is yellow.
18. When Bebop finds the Turtles in the control room, his mohawk is all brown.
19. When The Turtles face the Mutants in the control room, Rocksteady’s belly is yellow.
20. The center of the D on Donatello’s belt is white, rather than grey when the Turtles escape the Technodrome.
21. Splinter’s nose is completely brown as the Turtles and April revel in their victory.

Pizza References:
1. When Leonardo says the Turtles will “go out with Turtle honor, fighting”, Raphael says, “I’d rather go out for pizza, biting.”
2. The Turtles and April scarf pizza at the end of this adventure, while Splinter enjoys sushi.

Catchphrase Countdown:
1. Shredder calls the Mutants “mutant morons.”
2. Michaelangelo shouts, “Cowabunga!” as the Turtle Blimp crash lands in the river.
3. Krang calls the Turtles amphibians.

Pop Culture References:
1. Raphael says the Technodrome is “five times the size of the Huston Astrodome.”
2. Splinter and Shredder’s confrontation is reminiscent of Luke’s battle with Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes back.

Wacky Inventions:
1. Polarity Director
2. Krang’s Earthquake Machine/Drill Mechanism

1. This episode explains why the Technodrome is in the center of the earth at the beginning of season 3.

and with that, season 2 is done...on to season 3, later. :p

"Clearly, you're Ninja Turtling incorrectly." - Leo656
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