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Old 03-18-2020, 11:26 PM   #20
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Donnie tends to suffer the most of the four in the various incarnations. He's been nearly killed off on at least a few occasions in the mirage. Shrunk to the point where he's six inches tall.

Brutally shot, falls out of a helicopter, and becomes a cyborg in the image comics.

He is held down and has his shell smashed in by Bebop and Rocksteady and when his friends and family do find him he's basically dead. In the IDW The Fugitoid is able to detect some traces of life and that was able to download his consciousness into Metalhead until a new metal shell could be grafted onto his body. Even then he never fully recovers from this event.

In the OT he's nearly eaten alive by a mutant plant, tried to escape to get help when Leonardo and Splinter are abducted by mobsters only to nearly get crushed by building facade falling on him. There are probably other instances but the OT was largely slapstick, so other than maybe abductions here and there and the turtle's mutations becoming unstable I can't name much in that series.

The 4 Kids version again, various abductions some of which were unintended. Being tortured by the Triceratons, finding himself in a world where he his Missing and assumed dead. Seeing his brothers killed one after the other before his very eyes. Undergoing a second mutation that turns him into a monster.

The 2012 version he's had so many near-death moments (and one literal death moment) Witnessed people he's personally come to see as friends, family, and teachers mutated, hurt, and killed. It's a wonder he doesn't need therapy by the end of the series.

2018 creates a robot drone that is supposed to be his servant, and then when his brothers reprogram it they first find it amusing to see Donnie have a taste of his own medicine. However, when Sheldon drone tries to literally kill their brother so it could take his place they realize they've gone too far.
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