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Old 04-21-2017, 12:26 AM   #94
Stone Warrior
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Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post
I find that if more people where cynical, we'd get less platinum dunes and next mutations, and more 4 kids ;o).

Is there really one likeable thing about bay turtles you can recommend with a straight face?

There is, actually: The combat. Or, likable isn't exactly the best word since not only is that subjective, but what I brought up is also unpleasant, but stll, if what you were asking about is wht solid and warranted innovation it brings to the brand, I still say PD's combat is because it's probably the most painful and lethal-looking TMNT fighting gets outside of Mirage.

The choreography in the Jim Henson films is very impressive from an athletic standpoint, but if I'm going to be perfectly honest it's a bit too pretty and fluid for me to take seriously the notion that there's a high-stakes good-vs-evil battle going on; instead of a gymnastics exhibition. It doesn't help that the Turtles are constantly grinning and quipping while they do it; as if they never think there's any chance they'll lose. By contrast, I find PD's combat to be ugly, but in a compelling way. The actual guns, the probable bone-breaking, the characters slamming each other against things, and finally, the Turtles' ability to recognize that all actually means something bad.
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