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Old 10-16-2017, 03:23 PM   #4
Foot Soldier
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Posts: 192
I agree that Wingnut, Ace Duck, Scale Tail and Mortu need more screentime, as do these following characters (please note, I’ve left out the IDW-verse characters as they’re still finding their feet, though I would have added Old Hob, Alopex and Kitsune to the list):

1 – Armaggon: The mutant shark from the future with designs for conqueroring the world. This character has sparsely appeared in the Archie Comics, Nick show and certain video games and deserves more recognition.
2 - Belly Bomb: An alien outlaw with one eye and a mouth on his stomach. Such an interesting design and has the makings of an interesting alien threat to the Turtles.
3 - Simon Bonesteel: I know it’s weird to bring one out of “Next Mutation” but out of all of the big game hunters seen throughout the Turtleverse (Dirk Savage, Jack Marlin, The Finger), Bonesteel was the most interesting.
4 - Mary Bones/ Cherubae: A former Dimension X war-lord turned ally of the Turtles. One of the more mysterious characters from the Archie comics, her use of the Turnstone made her one of the most powerful characters in all of the Turtleverse.
5 - Cudley the Cowlick: A transdimensional being in the shape of A COW’S HEAD… NEED I SAY ANYMORE.
6 – Fungus Humongous: I may be cheating as this was a one-off mutant of the week, but I find the idea of giant mutant mushroom capable of releasing fear-spores very interesting.
7 – Maligna: The matriarch of the Malignoids and Krang’s arch-rival. Personally, I prefer her over Lord Dregg.
8 – Newtralizer: A very underrated 2012 series character; he had the makings of a great villain in the series. Considering his designs and powers, he has great potential.
9 – Null: Mister or Madame, this demonic magnate has been a thorn to not only the Turtles but the Mutanimals too in both Archie and IDW Comics. Okay, a bit difficult to get away with in a children’s cartoon these days, but this character has the makings of “big bad” material (alongside Shredder, Krang and Bishop).
10 – Any Crime Boss (Antoine Puzorelli/ Don Vizioso/ Darius Dun): Outside of the Foot Clan and the Purple Dragons, it’s nice to see an extra crime gang to give the Turtles a hard time.
11 – Scumbug + Wyrm: A mutant insect and flatworm; these creepy crawlies have been majorly underrated, considering their interesting designs.
12 – Snakeweed: Another interesting 2012 mutant as (like Fungus) it was more of a vegetation/ plant life than animal. And the second appearance in the series where he was turning people into fertilizer was just creepy.
13 – Tang Amaya (The Mistress/The Headhunter/Lady Shredder): A mysterious character in the Tales (Vol 2) given real potential in the official fan conclusion of the Image comics. Gave the Yoshi/ Shen/ Oroku dynamic even more complex.
14 – Tatsu: Best original character from the films, Tatsu to me is the iconic 2nd-in-command of the Shredder (no offense to Karai).
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