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Old 05-13-2018, 11:36 AM   #59
Foot Elite
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They just released this game at my local Round One. It's pretty fun. I'll admit it is harder to avoid enemies since the turtles move slower than in Turtles in Time (although much faster than the '89 Arcade), but having to build up your meter to unleash Turtle Power is very satisfying. I've only played the TCRI level but whatever you saw of that stage through Youtube videos, there's a lot more to it. You actually have a Krang mini-boss before he flys off and turns into Super Krang where you avoid his electric eye rays, ala Turtles in Time.

The demo showed a few other stages such as the Lair and I think there was a Subway stage.

I hope they release this game around your locations because it's pretty fun.
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