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Old 05-04-2017, 07:28 PM   #24
Resident overthinker
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I have a lot of anger and fear, this among many other things. I'm angry and scared because I don't know how this would effect my family (with Republican-ish parents). I'm angry and scared because I don't have the life experience to know what to expect, nor do I feel like I know enough to have a sense of predictability. I'm angry and scared because of the stubbornness of these people who are refusing to see through their fort and see what they're doing, not just to the people below them in their own country, but on a global scale, and how much footing the US is losing with global reputation and relations. They refuse to see that we are not in the heyday they remember from the 50's and 60's if they were young enough to remember that.

Most of all, I'm angry and scared that because of what's happening now, my generation will never get a chance to clean up their messes.
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