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Old 12-28-2017, 02:57 AM   #41
Mad Scientist
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True, but this is also a show that features time/dimensional travel, magic, and aliens coming to visit. Whenever I've grumbled about some of this in the past, I've always been told that 'it's a kid's show, it can have that stuff.' So now all of a sudden it has to have a 'realistic' grimdark and depressing ending even though the whole show before that tried to show as much fantasticical, unrealistic and comidic (defended by fans) stuff as possible?

I could buy it if the whole show was more gritty and more like the Mirage comics, but it wasn't. It tried to be the 80's cartoon all over again to an insane degree, even going as far as including outright cameos by them and having Bebop and Rocksteady take over the spots of this show's original mutant duo. Eventually one might expect a more lighter ending rather then one that tries to be so 'grownup' and 'real' when the whole premise of the show was anything but.

I would also point out that they were not thinking only of their friends and family when they did all of that stuff through the show. If they were only thinking of them, they could have allowed Shredder's mutagen bomb to explode and left the falken canisters because it would have spawned more mutants, because that would have allowed a chance for their rat father and mutant friends to walk more openly in daylight, because they then would not then be the 'only' mutants that existed in the city. They did it for the people, they weren't only thinking of each other. They also could have avoided helping anyone in trouble, but they chose to assist rather then stay 'safely' in the shadows.
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