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Old 05-21-2007, 04:23 PM   #55
Mad Scientist
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I agree on "The River", it's not on the continuity lists given out, but it is referenced in "Sons of the Silent Age". I personally think he'll just remove the page, but until those works are re-published then I agree that Laird hasn't made his final say and it's open to debate (plus it doesn't hurt continuity either way).

I agree take everything in the comics at its word, but I place more importance on the events in the comics than the answers in the letter col. Here the timeline within the story shows that the age given in the letter answer is wrong.

Yes there was a lot of manipulating dates within the comics to fit with real time (I think the Shredder's return has been listed at 1987 and 1988, and if you work it out based on the new dates provided by Tales Vol. 2 regarding the TMNT's age then it's something like 1986!) but if you go just by events in the comics then what I posted above is how it works out.

The only thing I can't work out now is how the TMNT are 12 in 1981 (Tales Vol. 2 #1) and 16 in 1987 (Tales Vol. 2 #33, backup). It just can't work out. I could understand it in Vol. 1 as they were trying to keep up with real time, but now they're adding back stories and working to Peter Laird's timeline so that shouldn't be an issue. I'm tempted to say 12 in 1981 is the true date as it was written by Murphy rather than a guest writer who most likely used the old Vol. 1 issues for his dates rather than an official timeline (still a a very cool story though).
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