Thread: TMNT 3 turns 25
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Old 07-29-2018, 10:53 AM   #56
Foot Elite
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Just want to add I almost had a photo taken today with Paige Turco at London Film & Comic Con but unfortunately the whole thing was cancelled which is sad. Oh well.

EDIT: someone uploaded a picture of her yesterday on the official LF&CC FB page for those who are curious. As you can see she has photos from TMNT III to sign. Not my photo so please feel free admin to delete the photo if you wish:

Okay now I didn't want to worry you guys before I got hold of some facts. I still don't know exactly what happened. As mentioned above she had a photo session today which I was supposed to attend however she didn't because as I was told she didn't make it on time due to the disruption in London traffic caused by the bike riding competition that we get every year.

Fine. Okay. Now apparently according to numerous sources on the FB page for LF&CC an incident happened yesterday which is the reason she didn't turn up today for her photo session. I say numerous sources because there's at least four things that apparently happened which everybody swears by actually happened:

- apparently someone mentions she collapsed due to low sugar levels, a call was made to bring her a chocolate bar (which would mean she's diabetic)

- someone was told by her she had food poisoning which is the reason she collapsed

- someone swears it was an attendee that collapsed and not Paige

- someone was told by her apparently yesterday she's been suffering huge anxiety symptoms

Now of course none of this adds up. If she had food poisoning I wasn't aware it was responsible for low sugar levels and even if that was the case why would you get someone who has food poisoning a chocolate bar of all things? Problem is all four of these stories are held as what really happened, at least three are fake news. For some reason it seems most likely it was her attendee that collapsed but can't rule out it was Paige. Anyway something happened. With everyone having strong recollections of being right I doubt I will be able to get further answers unless one of you guys are in contact with her via social media.

If you guys want to read what happened (because for all you know I might be making this up, I'm a stranger online after all) then head over here and scroll done to the post about Paige's photo session being cancelled:

Last edited by pferreira; 07-29-2018 at 04:33 PM.
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