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Old 04-12-2018, 11:52 PM   #19
Stone Warrior
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Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 699
It's interesting to think about what Channel Awesome and crew could have done had they pulled their heads out of their asses, but time has kind of passed them by.

I never liked The Nostalgia Critic or his channel or any of his creators for the most part. I actually disliked that type of videos and how popular they got because of him.
I thought the Critic was fun for a little while, but enough time passes, you realize he doesn't really have much to say, any insight or even ability to explain why any given thing is bad in the movie. Or, failing that, genuine wit or comedy. It's mostly just a guy getting mad at them and, frankly, that gets pretty old if there's nothing else, which is probably why that style of reviewer went out of fashion years ago. It's not a huge surprise that a lot of the people under him - the undercard of TGWTG or Channel Awesome, to borrow a wrestling term - ended up proving to have more talent than he did, or ability to go further.


I don't really watch a lot of Youtubers these days. One or two gaming Youtubers I liked either stopped being all that funny, turned out to be pieces of crap or a combination of the two in the past couple years, so I ended up dropping them and never really got into any new ones. Of what's left - of whom I don't follow with any regularity - there's just...

- Game Grumps
- Markiplier
- Red Letter Media
- Continue?
- hbomberguy

That's, geez, less than I thought I was still bothering with. Other than that, on the more music side, I follow stuff like...

- FamilyJules
- NewRetroWave
- Tanuki
- Mothership Loudspeakerz
- Maciej Dąbrowski
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