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Old 11-09-2017, 12:49 PM   #53
Like, stupid rich.
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I read about this a few months ago when I noticed my friend's name on the list of "confirmed sex slaves" of the group. She claims it's a smear campaign and after a bit of digging I'm inclined to believe her: the parties involved in outing this "cult" have all been involved in some very shady dealings. Not to mention all of this has been out there for months and only now gaining any traction due to media outlets trying to capitalize on the Hollywood outings with Weinstein and Spacey.

I'll keep her name out but I'll copy/paste the convo here... It's from August 14th.

Not sure how to phrase this but I thought I'd share it with you incase you were in the dark about it and wanted to get ahead of it
Stumbled across your name and picture on what looks like one of those fictitious news websites...
I know this is super awkward but I figured if my name and picture was out there associated in a story like that, even satirical, I'd like to know so I thought I'd give you the heads up.
Sorry this isn't just a friendly hello-and-catch-up.

yeah this is pretty brutal...
thanks for letting me know, just curious, how did you find it...
is this easy to find?

Yeah, I figured I'd give you the heads up... This the first your hearing of it? Sorry.

i knew
it's horrible

I'm a fan of Allison Mack and hadn't heard of anything she's done for a while so I just googled her and that was one of the results

oh ok.
ah i see...

The website looks like trash.

yeah it is...
its a giant smear campaign

You okay?

yeah - except for being on that thing


yeah everything is fine with me...nothing they are talking about is true

I assumed as much. I didn't dig far into it after stumbling across it but basically the only person talking about it is this one dude so already that kills most legitimacy.
Sorry you're being thrown in the mix

thank you! thanks for reaching out.
it's scary being written about like that

the website says you can have your name removed if you email or call them... but I assume thats just his way of getting you to contact them instead of doing the work


I can't imagine being written about like that... I'd be freaking out. Glad you seem to have a strong head about it.

it's been rough
but i'm dealing with it better.

Good to hear it

I never brought it up to her again. Take it for what you will.

I'll be honest, my friend is a sweetheart but also a bit of an odd duck. I want to believe her and my guts telling me 60/40 that she's telling the truth. But I also wouldn't be too surprised.

In any case, I hope the actual truth, whatever it may be, comes out sooner than later.

Last edited by Krutch; 11-09-2017 at 01:00 PM.
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