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Old 01-28-2018, 12:55 AM   #7975
Refractive Reflections
Mad Scientist
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Originally Posted by Katie View Post
No he is. He had no way of knowing what my actual political beliefs were when he said those things. I don’t talk politics at work. It’s rude and causes problems. I had enough after SEVERAL conversations which I ignored, so he probably thought he was safe saying that stuff. I am not hot tempered and I wasn’t loud or rude. I told him to stop saying that stuff around me.

He doesn’t affect my work quality, I still do my thing and clean up his lazy work daily. That’s the other thing. He constantly asks me for help doing his work and doesn’t bother to learn what he’s doing. He’s a failed manager from another department and because my company won’t fire people he got reassigned and is bitter about it.

He constantly talks to his college age daughters and says the same stuff to them.

He’s not messing with me. Even if he was that’s a dick move. He’s really just a scared old white dude who thinks all brown people are out to kill him or steal his job/kids/life. He says that stuff all the time.
Originally Posted by Katie View Post
I’m definitely not worried about this guy costing me my job. He’s not in any position of authority to me, the management in the department generally dislikes him, and even he knows he couldn’t do my job.

I just supremely dislike being reprimended for speaking up against something that should never have been revealed in the workplace in the first place. And I really don’t like being told I need to be softer when I am the only female on my team and one of 10 in a department of over 300 workers.

My grind today is lingering effects of Flu/Myco infection from the first of the month. My ribs are so sore from coughing
Yeah, I don't know why people would bring up politics at work. It's basically career suicide, but anyways...

When you say "clean up his lazy work", are you obligated to do so? If not, don't help him out at all. If you are forced to work with him on projects/tasks, be sure to emphasize his horrible work ethic to your superiors when you complain about him next time, at least from a business perspective it will be more of a reason to get him out somehow with his lack of productivity. (But I have a feeling you already tried these things. ) ...And the company won't fire people? Oh brother , that's one way to sink a business's bottom line.

If he's that incompetent and unmotivated to learn things at work, no wonder he thinks the "brown people" are out to get his life. This is just my two cents from what I'm reading here, but your rising star work ethic is probably highlighting just how bad of an employee he really is. I mean if he already feels some threatening nebulous presence of "brown people" generally, I'm sure seeing you (being a woman, and biracial) is driving the perceived threat in a much more direct, upfront way for him.
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