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Old 12-07-2017, 01:37 PM   #41
Peter Palmer
Hench Mutant
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
Scalpers are the scum of the industry.
I used to have this view, but over the years it became tough to clearly define "scalper".

What if a "scalper" wants to get an exclusive item for someone else...who pays for the con tickets? The food? The hotel? The gas? How does the scalper value his time? Should the scalper get any money for his time? Should a tip be involved if the item is particularly in-demand? What if the item is listed on ebay at cost? Does any of this matter in the eyes of the distributer?

All rhetorical questions with the ultimate point being that it's impossible to define what exactly makes a scalper a scalper...the definition is different from person to person. Add in the fact that scalping happens in just about every hobby there is. Concert tickets, sporting events, convention exclusives, hot seasonal toys; the list is endless.

It's impossible to get away from and it can get depressing when you see it happen in a hobby you appreciate. I've learned to accept it as an inescapable annoyance. I've found doing so keeps my stress levels down and my enjoyment levels up.

So while I don't love it, I don't think everyone who engages in it is scum. Scalpers who brag, on the other hand...

Humility never goes out of style.
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