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Old 05-20-2018, 02:51 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
I've always found it kinda funny how most of the people who talk about the "evils of the white man" are white people themselves, usually of upper-middle class and well off in life. It's like a modern day version of the "White Man's Burden". They actually do sound condescending to those people they claim to defend and yet cant' see that. I don't really see "people of colour" complaining about "the evil white man" as much as I see other white people do.

White guilt is a very strange thing. The epitome of 1st world problems.
It brings us back to the old conversation I had here: that lefties can't process that white people can have trouble too and it doesn't make their troubles somehow less than troubles of POC.

And as usual, people who preach "white guilt" are usually well-off students and young people, who have very little idea about actual trouble. So, it's basically makes them not only racists, but classists as well.

Not very different from that French queen who said that peasants should eat cakes instead of bread.
I know that she wasn't the one who said that, but it's a good illustration of disconnection between lefties and normal people.

Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
PS: It's also funny that plastron is of Italian ancestry. Italians are known for being rather proud people. Certainly not the type of white people who tend to feel guilty of being white. If plastron went to Italy and said the things she says about "the white man" at times she'd probably be laughed off.
Also Italians faced prejudice from other races in America. But apparently it had nothing to do with racism, which is just another argument on how narrow-minded people like that are.

Originally Posted by plastroncafe View Post
In the interest of clarifying some nomenclature:
All people are subject to bigotry, but not all people are subject to oppression.
Racism is the intersection of bigotry and systemic oppression. White people, especially white men, are not subject to systemic oppression in the United States.
In the interest of clarifying how full of **** this definition is:
Racism is not "prejudice + power", because, it means that only people with power can be racists.

Which basically means that Chinese can't be racists to black people, because they have no power over black people and there are no systematic oppression of blacks in China (because, there very few blacks in the country if any) or Russians can't be racists to Japanese, because, they have no power over Japanese people. And so on.

Of course, this concept is very nice to use, when you need to blame white people specifically in US, but outside of USA this definition just doesn't work at all. But as always, lefties are US-centric and being completely blind to how the rest of the world works.

Originally Posted by plastroncafe View Post
Race as a concept is European by design. The three races were coined during the heyday of colonialism. (The three races being Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid). So yeah, I'm not the slightest bit surprised that the rest of the world doesn't adhere to this out-of-the-gate flawed system.

But this doesn't change the fact that this very system still plays a sizable role in American cultural and political discourse.

As for Colorism not being a thing elsewhere, my southern Italian relatives would disagree. As would my southern Burmese and Indian co-workers.
Oh, another typical lefty crap. All in the name to make white people "the most evul".
Concept of race existed as far back as Ancient world.
Educate yourself.
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