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Old 12-20-2017, 07:31 PM   #9
Tarris Vaal
Stone Warrior
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Cullompton, Devon
Posts: 505
I think this series really nailed the personality and fragility of the turtles themselves. They felt like kids growing up over the course of the series - sometimes smoothly, sometimes very awkwardly. While some of the turtles character traits were done a little over the top (looking at you Mikey), overall they were really spot on.

I like that Donatello got much more of a central and more importantly, a varied role in this series. He's far too often relegated to tech guy and thats it. Love it or hate it, Apritello brought out a massive new perspective for this character that was only danced around prior. In a similar vein, I also really liked that Raph's other personality traits were explored more - though there was definitely room for improvement, it was a good step in the right direction.

The Nick Shredder and Splinter were easily among the best iterations of those characters. Both were compelling, mysterious and had great scenes and dialogue.

I liked almost all the new mutant regulars. Rahzar, Fishface and Tigerclaw particularly were great characters, albeit they did become underused as time went on. Equally, Bradford and Xever were just as interesting and arguably it was a shame they were mutated at all.

The background music for this series was excellent. Its a shame its so subtle that few people mention it often. The backing track was truly superb.

The animation towards the end of the show was also really, really well done and the choreography of the some of the fight scenes put some hollywood productions to shame.

The voice acting was consistently excellent - despite the cast problems with Leonardo. I cant think of a single instance where the voice over work came across badly, was a bit stiff or was poorly acted.
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