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Old 08-03-2017, 07:41 PM   #64
Resident overthinker
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That is true. It's probably going to be set on heat at this point, though.

I do question the Neutrino intent with keeping Krang imprisoned for life. Especially considering how time works in Dimension X. Is it at the same rate as on Earth, at which point, do they realize that all he'd have to do is wait a couple decades for some kind of political catastrophe and slip out in the midst of it somehow? Since he could live for thousands of years past their time? Granted, he might have snapped by then because of isolation (it could be argued that he was already starting to come down with some kind of isolation breakdown after the other Utroms went into stasis, but he could at the very least see them during that time, even if he couldn't converse with or touch them), but still.

Or was interdimensional travel just really, really wonky between the Late Cretaceous and the 16th Century ACA?

It's not necessarily a "I'm on the defense" thing, but more of an "I'm arguing that life imprisonment is a terrible idea, for these psychological issues, these expense issues, and that it will probably cause discord among the surviving Utroms that would make them even more helpless than they already are. Ma'riell and Ch'rell would probably have some kind of a leadership skirmish worthy of Shakespere, all while Ch'rell would be scheming to rescue Krang with the help of Kleve and Montuoro (potentially), and during all that, they'd be vulnerable to someone like Bishop or the Triceratons" thing.

I'm not really sure where that would be in the legal system. He's still obviously guilty of war crimes, but he's also deluded and unstable; prison tends to worsen those conditions. And it would be deeply expensive to keep a very, very, very long-lived prisoner in custody for the rest of his life, and that includes having to keep up with worsening mental stability...which would make things even more expensive. Then there's having to keep the air stabilized for him to breathe, yet another expense. Krang's going to be one expensive S.O.A.B to keep incarcerated, and I don't think the taxpayers of Neutrino will be too happy about it.
What's more is that Trib will have to inherit the weight of keeping things under wraps with Krang, and might have to pass that off to her heirs, and they to THEIR heirs and so on until someone gets sick of it. And it probably won't be the king or queen in charge, but the citizens who don't want to deal with a war criminal that their great-great(+) grandparents put away years ago and they don't want to deal with their burden anymore.

I mean...imagine if Napoleon had been imprisoned instead of put on an island until his death, and lived to the present day and remained incarcerated. It might not be the most accurate comparison, but the state of the world now is "what he did is history, he probably won't be able to do something like again, just look how he is right now!"

I'd say take away the teleporters on Burnow, hand leadership to Ma'riell (between her, Krang, and Ch'rell, she's the most stable-minded) dump Krang there like a sack of beans, and have someone pop in every once in awhile to make sure he's not up to anything, and also make sure that everything's going okay on Burnow as a whole.

Does Krang even know that Honeycutt freed them from stasis???

Last edited by Utrommaniac; 08-03-2017 at 08:17 PM.
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