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Old 11-05-2021, 06:27 PM   #3241
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Originally Posted by ABrown View Post
Well. We did it. We successfully went the entire month of October 2021 without a single post in this forum.
Ah yes. Remember when there were people who tried to claim this show was somehow more noteworthy or worthwhile than the 4Kids because there was active discussion about it? And that it somehow meant the 4Kids show was totally forgotten about and this one had a long future ahead of it in the mind of pop culture? Even though an ongoing show is more likely to be discussed than one that ended three years prior by default.

And here we are, four years after it ended and Nickelodeon are already doing weird **** like pretend the Fred Wolf cartoon was ever part of their line-up. Meanwhile, we are barely even discussing this show at all, despite the actual latest show failing to interest most of us. Curious, ain't it?
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 11-05-2021, 06:45 PM   #3242
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It's a pattern we've seen repeat and will continue to repeat. The second that any TMNT show ends, so does its cultural relevance. No TMNT cartoon will ever again have a "long future ahead of it in the mind of pop culture". The minute the shows end, so will the discussion surrounding them. There's never, ever again going to be a show that comes anywhere near the impact of the FW cartoon. For better or worse, that's just the way it is. 4Kids has been forgotten, the Nick show is quickly being forgotten, Rise was forgotten before it was even over... it's going to be the same thing forevermore.

TMNT isn't actually popular, and hasn't been since it ended the first time out. It's going to die with the generation of people who were kids in 1989. I can't see why some people fail to recognize and understand that. I get wanting to see something you like be "evergreen" but that simply isn't possible. It was only ever a fad that lasted longer than most fads do, to begin with. The time between a TMNT cartoon ending and it being completely forgotten about has gotten shorter and shorter with every reboot. Goes to show you how much people "really" care about the property.
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Old 11-05-2021, 10:08 PM   #3243
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Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
Ah yes. Remember when there were people who tried to claim this show was somehow more noteworthy or worthwhile than the 4Kids because there was active discussion about it? And that it somehow meant the 4Kids show was totally forgotten about and this one had a long future ahead of it in the mind of pop culture? Even though an ongoing show is more likely to be discussed than one that ended three years prior by default.

And here we are, four years after it ended and Nickelodeon are already doing weird **** like pretend the Fred Wolf cartoon was ever part of their line-up. Meanwhile, we are barely even discussing this show at all, despite the actual latest show failing to interest most of us. Curious, ain't it?
To be fair it's only because this forums as a whole (the entire drome) is dead nowadays. Most people left the forums, younger TMNT fans are on social media and don't come here.

In the early 2000's this forum was heavily active, and those who followed the Nick cartoon when it aired moved on after the show ended. You can't really blame the lack of activity here on the show, every TMNT section has been on life-support here.
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Old 11-12-2021, 09:40 PM   #3244
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And apparently it was four years ago today that the final episode aired (

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Old 04-08-2022, 08:13 PM   #3245
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
To be fair it's only because this forums as a whole (the entire drome) is dead nowadays. Most people left the forums, younger TMNT fans are on social media and don't come here.

In the early 2000's this forum was heavily active, and those who followed the Nick cartoon when it aired moved on after the show ended. You can't really blame the lack of activity here on the show, every TMNT section has been on life-support here.
Let's be honest, all but the very largest forums are either deserted or completely gone.

When you do find useful information about something on a forum nowadays, it's like a forgotten time-capsule, with most if not all images being dead links.

That's me, basically. (Consider this post an intradimensional drop-by)

Even as a kid in the early 90's I felt embarrassed watching goofball-cringefest-pizzaparty-duuuude.

Second incarnation was same old cringefest, trying to be less goofy and cooler, fit for the 2000's, with a 'cool' modernized style.

2012 Was the only incarnation that took itself and the characters seriously, and did it damn good too!
This series also had the best toy line thus far, with a diverse assortment of well articulated figures of good quality, lots of vehicles and and a comparatively epic playset.

Rise, or whatever the next one is called is just a generic modern toddler cartoon (lack of background details, thick outlines, bright colors à la Fairly Odd Parents and Ben 10 (2016) etc.).

"The drome can be destroyed for all I care — I HAVE FINALLY WON!"
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Old 12-09-2024, 06:59 AM   #3246
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Originally Posted by asfaloth12 View Post
*throws a bag of popcorn into the microwave*

*gasp* How dare I not like it? The heresy!! Oh, what a world! Just because it was poorly written, with severely OOC moments, and disposed of the female characters like trash....what's not to love?
This wasn't a simple plot hole. This was a massive plot abyss into which the story collapses and falls screaming to its inevitable doom.

This is something that should have addressed months ago, but work interfered. Better late than never. So, here it goes:
Nice. Insults, including ableist slurs. Creative side of things? There was no creativity involved in that special. It was nothing more than a lame attempt to prevent people from messing with this version of TMNT in the future. Also, Ciro is not the creator of TMNT. He is a showrunner/executive producer.
You owe EA Solinas an apology. But, I have little faith that one will be offered; her arguments really got under your skin, it seems. I think she won that argument quite handily.

Actually, I think I view End Times as the final episode of the main storyline. That said, I don't know what I'll end my re-watch on. Perhaps "When Worlds Collide". Since production order doesn't matter...
However, I would gladly take a scene of Bebop dancing a thousand times, over a misogynistic, plot hole-riddled Fury Road knock-off featuring the Bearded!Raph, as well Nipplehead (aka, an extremely OOC version of Leo) driving around a wasteland acting like an idiot
Granted, the photo at the end was very moving. It felt tacked on as hell, but still very sweet.

In fairness, the initial reactions calmed down once people started pointing out the contradictions and heard that it's not officially considered "canon" by Nick. Then, most of those fans happily accepted it as an AU. Interestingly, the biggest tantrums actually ended up coming from certain fans of the special, in response to other fans pointing out the flaws or plot holes....or *gasp* daring to treat it an as AU or non-canon.

It's a cartoon. It's not real. You can imagine it ends however you want.

As to whether it's canon.....*hears howling in the distance* Aw, hell. This should be fun.
Officially? According to Nickelodeon? No.

Logically? No. It has fairly massive plot holes surrounding Renet and the future she comes from (see the episode "Turtles in Time" from Season 3). Then, you have a Mutagen bomb coming out of nowhere despite the destruction/defeat of the Kraang.

According to the showrunners? It depends. Ciro Nieli wanted it to be. For pretty lame reasons. Brandon Auman more recently said it's up to audience interpretation.

Conclusion: Once again, it's completely up to you. I happily take the AU interpretation. My headcanon? Raph wrote a self-insert fanfiction after a Mad Max marathon. Leo did not appreciate the accompanying fanart. You do what's right for you
For the millionth time, if people want to see the Mutant Apocalypse special as the "true ending", that's long as they respect other fans who prefer the AU interpretation.

Agreed. It sounds painfully bad (and I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed the first half of season 3). I'm seriously wondering if Ciro was losing it at the end.

**microwave beeps** **takes out the popcorn and starts munching**
Been looking back at old threads lately and came across this. I see you lost the debate and being the coward that you are, came back at me after I quit posting. You thought you had the last word? Wrong!

Time has proven you wrong and you can tell your loser friend Extra Autistic Solinas that tumblr sucks.
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