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Old 10-01-2017, 05:55 PM   #3041
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Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post
considering he killed everyone out of spite, so no one else could work on the same stories?

sounds to me like A)he ran out of ideas for a fitting ending and B)is also pretty souless himself.
Now you're calling Ciro "souless?" Or killed everyone "out of spite?"


Is it just me or does Vegita-san continually come up with new conspiracy theories or reasons to hate on or demonize Ciro or everyone at Nick who made this show? Why the hell is he "souless" now because he ended the series this way?
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Old 10-01-2017, 05:59 PM   #3042
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So are TMNT end after this season?
There will be no more seasons?
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Old 10-01-2017, 06:16 PM   #3043
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Originally Posted by Fang Wolf View Post
So are TMNT end after this season?
There will be no more seasons?
Season 5 is the last season, and then in 2018, it gets rebooted as a 2D series and aimed at a younger demographic, so expect a more kid friendly version sometime next year.
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Old 10-01-2017, 07:37 PM   #3044
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Season 5 is the last season, and then in 2018, it gets rebooted as a 2D series and aimed at a younger demographic, so expect a more kid friendly version sometime next year.
I'm hoping that the 2018 series won't be strictly standalone stories.
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Old 10-01-2017, 07:46 PM   #3045
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Why are so many people unhappy with the ending of this show?

Any complaints regarding the episodes themselves (Leos design, No April, No Kraang) I can understand and even think could've been done much better, but this show called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" ended with all 4 turtles living together happily ever after in paradise. If thats not a good ending, I dont know what is.

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Old 10-01-2017, 07:58 PM   #3046
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If a show clearly has a production counter with its episodes, then it doesn't matter what Nick thinks. The Mutant Apocalypse events are what ended the series, especially because if you count the DVD releases of both the Monster Arc and Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady, they are the last three to be officially seen for the first time. Case closed.

I'll need to catch the remainder of season 5 regardless before the end of the year as Mutant Apocalypse I didn't catch when it aired, nor Worlds Collide. I still need a link to the Monster Arc eventually if I so choose to watch it.

Originally Posted by FredWolfLeonardo View Post
Why are so many people unhappy with the ending of this show?
If I had to take a guess based on what a lot of you guys have said, it's probably the sudden change for a finale with designs and maybe the story. I cannot verify myself personally due to not seeing it.
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Old 10-01-2017, 07:59 PM   #3047
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Originally Posted by FredWolfLeonardo View Post
Why are so many people unhappy with the ending of this show?

Any complaints regarding the episodes themselves (Leos design, No April, No Kraang) I can understand and even think could've been done much better, but this show called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" ended with all 4 turtles living together happily ever after in paradise. If thats not a good ending, I dont know what is.
cause when you rewatch the earlier episodes, and know everyone dies not soon after the crossover probably, it puts an depressing spin on things like 'what's the point'?

I'll give you the fact that it's a bold different ending to try. and everyone dies eventually, but to not even let them live full happy lives and to just kill 'em off soon after we see 'em young for the last time...just seems like a bad send off.
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Old 10-01-2017, 08:24 PM   #3048
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Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post
cause when you rewatch the earlier episodes, and know everyone dies not soon after the crossover probably, it puts an depressing spin on things like 'what's the point'?
That logic makes no sense to me.

Why get married if your spouse is gonna die one day? Why get a pet if it's gonna die one day? Why go on vacation if you're only gonna end up back home? Why do anything ever?

To enjoy the damn experience, for Pete's sake.
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Old 10-03-2017, 04:36 AM   #3049
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Originally Posted by ToTheNines View Post


To rephrase: The creative mastermind behind the series has no say in the matter. However, the soulless corporation focused only on profit is what counts.

Ok dude.
You do realize that Ciro is not God, right? (Hope nobody's head just exploded), He cannot force the viewers to interpret things a certain way, and his work is not above criticism. So yeah, in that respect, he has no say in the way I or others view it. The rest of the series is great, but this arc had serious problems and doesn't work as a finale. And contradicts canon. I refuse to ignore that.
Nick isn't perfect, by any means. I've been really ticked off at them in the past, especially with the ridiculous Season 4 hiatuses. But this time, their actions actually made sense. Though I wonder why they greenlit the episode in the first place, if they had such issues with it.

Unfortunately, I think you're right about Ciro's intentions. I'll need to find the interview sometime, but the impression I got from it was that he pretty much didn't want anybody touching his stuff after it was done ( which is hilarious because so many people are treating this as an AU / non-canon).

I would disagree on it being a bold ending. I think "lazy" would be more appropriate, with all the plot holes. There have been plenty of downer endings done with many stories in many different mediums; there's nothing new there. Post-apocalyptic stories aren't exactly innovative anymore. They basically wanted a Mad Max tribute, and completely forgot about good storytelling and logic in a clumsy attempt to wedge it into the series. Which is disappointing; they've proven that they're capable of much more than that.

And while I certainly enjoy happy endings, they aren't a requirement. I really enjoyed Owari and the Kavaxas arc, and those were bittersweet. Sad endings can work quite well.... if they make sense in the context of the story. I've seen well-done happy endings, and I've seen poorly constructed, contrived "downer" endings.
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Old 10-03-2017, 06:32 AM   #3050
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Originally Posted by asfaloth12 View Post
You do realize that Ciro is not God, right? (Hope nobody's head just exploded), He cannot force the viewers to interpret things a certain way, and his work is not above criticism. So yeah, in that respect, he has no say in the way I or others view it. The rest of the series is great, but this arc had serious problems and doesn't work as a finale. And contradicts canon. I refuse to ignore that.
Nick isn't perfect, by any means. I've been really ticked off at them in the past, especially with the ridiculous Season 4 hiatuses. But this time, their actions actually made sense. Though I wonder why they greenlit the episode in the first place, if they had such issues with it.
As far as this series is concerned, I would say he is. You're inclined to interpret things however you want, but when your thoughts on the series directly contradict what the creator(s) have put forth, that's headcanon. Nothing wrong with that, but don't act like it's legit just because of Nickelodeon's ****ed up scheduling.

Would you believe Grant Publishing if they said Wolves of The Calla was not part of the Dark Tower series? Or would you listen to Stephen King?
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Old 10-03-2017, 07:40 AM   #3051
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Originally Posted by asfaloth12 View Post
You do realize that Ciro is not God, right?
uh oh. I love this statement, and it needs to be said, but you just ticked off about half a dozen hard cases around here . Prepare to be on cubes naughty list .

Originally Posted by asfaloth12 View Post
Nick isn't perfect, by any means. I've been really ticked off at them in the past, especially with the ridiculous Season 4 hiatuses. But this time, their actions actually made sense. Though I wonder why they greenlit the episode in the first place, if they had such issues with it.

They basically wanted a Mad Max tribute, and completely forgot about good storytelling and logic in a clumsy attempt to wedge it into the series. Which is disappointing; they've proven that they're capable of much more than that.

yeah, if I wasn't already done with the show as a serious fan, the super long breaks would have been it for me. as it was, it was tough finding enough interest to start watching it again when it came back, and i enjoyed most of season 4.

I don't disagree with you on the mad max tribute and laziness. what gets me, is the actions of nick in this case. They knew what this team was capable of...why did they agree to that episode at all as a finale, and then change their minds? doesn't make much sense. other than to appease a team that seems to need CONSTANT 'your work is good, your work is awesome' pats on the back in order to be happy...
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Old 10-03-2017, 07:42 AM   #3052
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Originally Posted by ToTheNines View Post
As far as this series is concerned, I would say he is. You're inclined to interpret things however you want, but when your thoughts on the series directly contradict what the creator(s) have put forth, that's headcanon. Nothing wrong with that, but don't act like it's legit just because of Nickelodeon's ****ed up scheduling.

Would you believe Grant Publishing if they said Wolves of The Calla was not part of the Dark Tower series? Or would you listen to Stephen King?
i understand what you're trying to say, but just don't agree with it in this case.

the entire ending seems basically done out of spite. that, IMHO, makes it null and void.
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Old 10-03-2017, 07:50 AM   #3053
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The only reason you don't agree is because Ciro called you out for trashing him on Facebook.

Nines is right, case closed.
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Old 10-03-2017, 08:12 AM   #3054
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Originally Posted by ToTheNines View Post
As far as this series is concerned, I would say he is. You're inclined to interpret things however you want, but when your thoughts on the series directly contradict what the creator(s) have put forth, that's headcanon. Nothing wrong with that, but don't act like it's legit just because of Nickelodeon's ****ed up scheduling.

Would you believe Grant Publishing if they said Wolves of The Calla was not part of the Dark Tower series? Or would you listen to Stephen King?
Well, at least you agree that people can have their own interpretations. That's a start.
When the creator contradicts previously established canon, then that's poor writing. Nothing more. And it is perfectly legitimate to treat it as an AU / non-canon. If you are truly bothered by seeing people do that, then I believe there is an "ignore" function on this board that you can use.
Nickelodeon has messed up scheduling in the past, especially with the Season 4 finale. But, this time, they redeemed themselves in a way.

I have not read the Wolves of the Calla yet (that's book 5, right? I only got to Book 4). So, I can't fairly give a full answer to that part. I suspect my answer would be: neither. I would think for myself.

Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post
uh oh. I love this statement, and it needs to be said, but you just ticked off about half a dozen hard cases around here . Prepare to be on cubes naughty list

yeah, if I wasn't already done with the show as a serious fan, the super long breaks would have been it for me. as it was, it was tough finding enough interest to start watching it again when it came back, and i enjoyed most of season 4.

I don't disagree with you on the mad max tribute and laziness. what gets me, is the actions of nick in this case. They knew what this team was capable of...why did they agree to that episode at all as a finale, and then change their minds? doesn't make much sense. other than to appease a team that seems to need CONSTANT 'your work is good, your work is awesome' pats on the back in order to be happy...
Thanks for the heads up
The thing is: I actually think they did a great job with the vast majority of the series. I know not everybody agrees, and that's fine! It doesn't lessen my enjoyment one bit, just because people may have a different opinion. However, Ciro and the others unfortunately took an enormous stumble here. I'm glad it's not canon.

There were a few times I came close to losing interest, as well, just because the hiatuses were so frustrating. Glad I came back to it, though.
It was interesting with the Space Arc. I enjoyed it much more on DVD, without the hiatuses. Basically I did a semi-binge, would watch one disc on Saturday and one on Sunday, when I wasn't on weekend call, and it flowed so much more smoothly. I ended up really enjoying it. The 2nd half of Season 4 was great, for me as well

Yeah, I don't completely understand Nick's actions here, either. Unless Ciro was just extremely adamant about the arc for some weird reason? Like you, I'm curious as to what went on behind the scenes.

Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post
i understand what you're trying to say, but just don't agree with it in this case.

the entire ending seems basically done out of spite. that, IMHO, makes it null and void.
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Old 10-03-2017, 10:16 AM   #3055
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Originally Posted by asfaloth12 View Post
Well, at least you agree that people can have their own interpretations. That's a start.
When the creator contradicts previously established canon, then that's poor writing. Nothing more. And it is perfectly legitimate to treat it as an AU / non-canon. If you are truly bothered by seeing people do that, then I believe there is an "ignore" function on this board that you can use.
Nickelodeon has messed up scheduling in the past, especially with the Season 4 finale. But, this time, they redeemed themselves in a way.
I disagree. Just because something has plotholes and logical errors doesn't mean it's an AU. Just look at Star Wars lol.

Again, you can think what you want. But you're trying to discredit the creator because you didn't like something. That's the only reason I'm discussing this. I don't care what order people want to watch the show in, or what episodes they skip. I'll always skip Pizzaface and Meet Mondo Gecko. And I like to believe that the mutagen bomb incident didn't happen until the guys were about 30.

So yeah, think what you want. Just don't tell me your headcanon is official.

I have not read the Wolves of the Calla yet (that's book 5, right? I only got to Book 4). So, I can't fairly give a full answer to that part. I suspect my answer would be: neither. I would think for myself.
It's 5, yes. It was just an arbitrary example though.
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Old 10-03-2017, 12:33 PM   #3056
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Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post

the entire ending seems basically done out of spite. that, IMHO, makes it null and void.
Yes, Ciro ended the show that way, "out of spite" ....whatever the hell that means.
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Old 10-03-2017, 12:54 PM   #3057
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Seems odd to end the show with a "alternative Universe" story, but whatever floats your personal headcanon.
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Old 10-03-2017, 02:32 PM   #3058
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Someone ask Ciro Nieli or Brandon Auman about a possible TMNT 2012 movie in the future. Also, see if they have any info on this report that came out a year ago. Thanks! Any answers would be much appreciated.
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Old 10-03-2017, 03:16 PM   #3059
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Originally Posted by `NightWatcher View Post
Someone ask Ciro Nieli or Brandon Auman about a possible TMNT 2012 movie in the future. Also, see if they have any info on this report that came out a year ago. Thanks! Any answers would be much appreciated.
Neither one of them would have anything to do with those. Go ask Bruce Timm or James Tucker.
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 10-03-2017, 03:17 PM   #3060
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I can see them making a direct to DVD movie at some point. Especially if Ciro said he had a Fugitoid story planned. I wonder if it'll happen prior to the timeskip, or it'll take place after the events of the last episode with Renet/Fugitoid traveling back in time or something like that.

It probably won't happen for a while though, they won't want to take attention away from the new cartoon.
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