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Old 03-14-2005, 05:41 PM   #1
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Power Rangers - the appreciation and discussion thread

Good evening everybody,

I just saw the first episodes of "SPD" and "Dino thunder" started on TV last weekend (I missed it, had some rioting to do ). I thought "Ninja Storm" was great until I saw "Dino Thunder". I thought "Dino Thunder" was great until I saw SPD. Pure... awesomeness... The choreography, the setting, the characters. it's so cool. Yeah, I have had too much cola today, during the last hour, I admit.

But SPD just seems to be so much more interesting than anything Power Ranger I have seen. The SPD-departement seems to be well worked out, and those two Robin Hood kind of types are sure going to be something combined with Bridge (or whatever SPD Blue's name is). Well, the morphing call... hmmm, dunno, dunno. Could be better, could be worse. But the transformation sequence makes up for that.

Oh, talking about lousy morphing calls (good, "Ninja Storm, Ranger Form... HA!" seems to hold #1 for me). As I mentionned, Dino Thunder started last Saturday. They apparently translated everything. So their morphing call goes like this (the original being "Dino Thunder Power up!): "Dino Donner, Powerkraft". D'uh. Many of you don't understand German, so let me spell it out for you. "Dino Donner" [Deeno Donnar] is "Dino Thunder", exact translation. Then, "Powerkraft" [Power Cruft] is truly, really really, seriously wrong. I guess I don't need to explain what "power" means, and Power in German is... yes, exactly... Kraft. So, what they say is "Dino Thunder Powerpower". Well, it could have been worse, but not much.

Feel free to add criticizm, comments, notes (Zarius, I'm counting on you).
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Old 03-14-2005, 07:29 PM   #2
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So um power is Kraft Cheese and Macaroni?

I started watching PR after Tommy got back on, I'm not ashamed to admit I'm one of those fans. But honestly I thought the storyline concerning the White Ranger and his father was interesting. Tommy killing Zeltrax (a former human) now there's something I didn't think they'd do. Even though technically he was a 'monster' he started out human. Was definitely a darker season...for Power Rangers.

Now I've only seen a few SPD episodes here and there but so far I like. The blue ranger gets on my nerves and pinkie is a bubblehead but it's not so bad. I do like Anubis. I think he's pretty cool. Especially the facial movements they have in him. What is he a puppet? A guy in costume?
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Old 03-14-2005, 10:42 PM   #3
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Power Rangers S.P.D has indded, surpassed a great deal of expectations, the tension between the group at times is excellent, Bridge's obsession with not being the Red Ranger has made the Blue Ranger the most fascinating aspect of the series, this is the guy whose chance to emulate his father has been taken from him, some of the earlier episodes saw that play out well.
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Old 03-15-2005, 01:27 PM   #4
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I think that Anubis is a guy in a costume. I think I even saw the slits where the actor looks through. If that is true, then there are three slits in Anubis' throat. But the facial expressions are truly awesome.

I've had my first dose of Mora... well... odd accent . And she's got art skills, whoa.

The Blue/Red tension is really interesting. But maybe Sky needs to learn, that he doesn't need to mimic his dad in order to be as good as he was. I'm sure that it's going to be something as cheesy as that. And somehow, blue just fits him better.

And I don't really get the hierarchy of the SPD-Ranks.

Red is the leader, then comes blue, then green, then yellow,then pink, right? So, if Z gives Syd an order, she must obey it without question? SPD-Ranger wouldn't be the job for me...
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Old 03-15-2005, 03:11 PM   #5
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Power rangers may very well be the worst Tv show ever created. I say this only because every episode is the exact same. and it all started with the first rangers. i remember rita, the main villian. she would geta monster created to get the power rangers but it never worked. man it was so terrible now that i think back about it. and i have seen the new stuff....a TALKING HAMSTER??? i mean come on how bad can you get. How does this show even get ratings at all anymore.
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Old 03-15-2005, 04:09 PM   #6
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EZ: please don't be so offending against differences in taste.

Zarius, I beg you not to respond to EZ's post since it was an obvious flame, and I don't want to see an argument that may be the downfall of this truly great thread. Plus: I need you to give me information... lots of information.

And basically yes, there has been a lot of tehse "monster of the week"-episodes, but with the later seasons, as the fans grew up, they added, aside from better CGI and costumes, more story, more sidestories. Take Ninja Storm for example. Let the hamster be a hamster and look at Tori, the cute blonde. She is in love with Blake, obviously. But you never get to see that. Then, now take a look at the hamster, there's Cam and his dad has a big body-problem. Cam seems to be unable to relate to his dad anymore...

Anyways, SPD promises a lot, since there is this guy, Sky, who wants to be the Red Ranger, but gets assigned for the position of SPD Blue. Instead of him, an outlaw streetkid named Jack gets the position. That has to lead to tension.

Oh, yeah, they still beat up big robots, which is pretty cool.
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Old 03-15-2005, 06:26 PM   #7
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Can I just point out that Sensei was'nt a hamster, he was a guinea pig.

Ninja Storm was great, but compared to darker seaaons such as In Space, Lost Galaxy, and Wild Force (which killed characters, and a Ranger, off) it was more of a throwback to the earlier MMPR years of humour and action
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Old 03-15-2005, 08:18 PM   #8
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I grew outta PR after the origianl cast finaly faded into the sunset....i would only watch them again and only for new PR can compair to the original cast....

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Old 03-15-2005, 08:37 PM   #9
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As for a cast that "does'nt come close to the MMPR version", Time Force's cast were damn good actors, the tightest of the series next to some of the MMPR cast.
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Old 03-16-2005, 10:05 AM   #10
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I think MMPR was the best. Although when I was a little kid, I was always wondering why Zac, Jason, and Trini all of a sudden went to a "peace conference" in Geneva and never came back. By the way, I saw the Machine King saga recently on PRG when Zed and Rita are kicked off the moon until the rangers can defeat the machine empire. Dangit, I used to have an original red ranger gun, both of them in fact, but my mom made me sell it. (I don't let her EVER touch my stuff anymore) I also used to have an original power morpher. Never knew what happened to that. I also have the original power rangers cast toys with Tommy in both forms, except for I can't find Trini and Kimberly anywhere. Does anyone know where I can get them?

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Old 08-06-2005, 05:40 PM   #11
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Power Rangers questions..?

Ok, here's an odd question.

Me and my girlfriend were watching Power Rangers Dino Thunder a minute ago (We both Mark for Tommy) and we were trying to figure out something... Does anyone know how much Japanese footage was used in the US version of the show?
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Old 08-06-2005, 05:54 PM   #12
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Well, I remember one episode of Dino Thunder where the Power Rangers were watching a Japanese Power Ranger show based off of them on TV...

So, I'm guessing a lot.

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Old 08-06-2005, 07:16 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Alison Chains
Ok, here's an odd question.

Me and my girlfriend were watching Power Rangers Dino Thunder a minute ago (We both Mark for Tommy) and we were trying to figure out something... Does anyone know how much Japanese footage was used in the US version of the show?
A large amount of the first season used a lot of Sentai footage, even Rita herself was directly taken from Zyuranger until an american actress took over in season two, they would later just use japanease footage for the zord battles in seasons two and three and most of the Ranger action footage was american, they began balancing the footage also, sometimes there will be cases where the Ranger battles will be from Sentai, but sometimes there will be completly new footage shot in New Zealand.
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Old 08-06-2005, 08:37 PM   #14
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I'm really digging SPD, specifically the Omega Ranger. Though I didn't dig how he's a glowing ball of energy.

His would be the only toy Id buy.
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Old 08-06-2005, 09:10 PM   #15
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He was only made a ball of light because they could'nt find an actor. Go figure. Then Kalish had to overdo it and make him SAM from the future.

S.P.D does provide a great deal of good concepts, and it's acting cast is superb. Its' sad however, that Bruce Kalish is producing it, and seems to enjoy pthrowing in more plots from Dekaranger than any original storylines, for the most part, hes' the main problem
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Old 08-06-2005, 09:26 PM   #16
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Well, I think Bruce was a great addition/replacement to the producing team. I mean, before the episodes were riddled with plotholes such as the rangers suddenly appearing in a place when they were somewhere else a second before. In SPD you get to see them move out to a mission.
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Old 06-19-2011, 07:31 PM   #17
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thats right MMPR is streaming live on netflix.

hope its not old news
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Old 06-19-2011, 11:59 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by PizzaPower View Post
That's right MMPR is streaming live on Netflix.

Hope it's not old news
It is. Just look at my last two posts and you'll see.

Anyway, like I said before, the only season that's not up there right now is Samurai.

Each incarnation has their own entry. Mind you, so does "Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers", even though it's really part of MMPR season 3, and the last ten episodes of it at that. The entry for MMPR has all three seasons (sans the Alien Rangers saga) as well as the first 32 episodes of MMPR1 that Disney made reversions of and made it season 18.

Also, a heads up is in order, about streaming these episodes. Some people who stream via certain devices like the iPhone, the iPad, and the Wii may have some difficulties. The Wii especially has a problem where only MMPR seasons show up on the Netflix Channel's interface, even if you did add all the other incarnations to your instant viewing queue on the Netflix website. I'm one of those people who uses a Wii for streaming, and my Netflix account is on hold. So I'm hoping that the problem will be all sorted out by the time I'm ready to reactivate, which I'm hoping will be some time early next month. Also, this problem isn't specific to the Wii, but in the "Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers" section, the "Alien Rangers of Aquitar part I" episode plays as "Day of the Dumpster" from MMPR1. People who I've seen complain about that have reported it, so hopefully that error will be corrected soon enough as well.

If you should play the "Welcome to Venus Island" episode from MMPR2, you might think that Jason's dubbed dialogue is missing, and that's because it is. Most of these episodes seem to be international airings, so that's not Netflix's fault.
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Old 06-20-2011, 03:23 PM   #19
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oh sweet so i can really catch up on my power rangers now
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Old 06-20-2011, 05:44 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by PizzaPower View Post
oh sweet so i can really catch up on my power rangers now
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