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Old 06-03-2024, 05:05 AM   #5141
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Old 06-07-2024, 09:45 PM   #5142
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I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 06-11-2024, 04:55 PM   #5143
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Figured this was the case but the series from Jonathan Entwistle isn’t moving forward at Netflix
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Old 06-13-2024, 12:29 AM   #5144
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Other stories about the Hasbro/Netflix association and why it collapsed are coming out too

Despite how popular they proved to be when they dropped, Netflix were not happy with Cosmic Fury or Once & Always, it wasn't what'd been promised them by Hasbro under the previous regime. They wanted something more expensive and mature, which was the Entwhistle project.

Entwhistle wanted to pattern the series off of the 2017 movie, but as that had been a bomb Hasbro were understandably anxious about that, so they rejected Entwhistle's vision and began developing a simpler and cheaper show to sell to Netflix, but Netflix refused.

Presumably, if the new partner is found, what we'll get is Hasbro's vision for a simpler show probably aimed again at kids. I will not be surprised if we end up getting another Sentai adaptation.
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Old 06-14-2024, 10:18 PM   #5145
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On May 31, I said “So Long, Farewell” to Ranger Board. I don’t think there was anything for me there to make me want to stay. The future of the Power Rangers franchise is not looking good right now. In addition, my family is going through some extremely challenging times right now. I just can’t post there with what’s going on and I might need some more time to decide whether to come back here.
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Old 06-15-2024, 08:06 AM   #5146
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I'll miss you over there Scout, but your family comes first.
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Old 06-20-2024, 10:40 AM   #5147
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MMPR/Usagi Yojimbo crossover confirmed for September from BOOM, Ryan Parrot returning
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Old 07-04-2024, 02:52 PM   #5148
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I just learned that the Zordon actor was merely a face and that there were two voices used. I never knew that like the suit actors the voice was by a different person especially since he is merely a head. Mandela effect must have prevented me from knowing there was a second voice for Zordon. I only remember the one.

While it is on my mind, what was the reason for Zordon and Alpha 5's departures in-story and behin-the-scenes? It seemed just as knee jerk as the Turbo replacements. It seems odd if it was already decided Zordon would be the catalyst to go into outer space. Funny enough, another Mandela effect, I don't remember Zordon in the Turbo finale at all,only showing up with Alpha 5 to see Tommy off.
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Old 07-04-2024, 10:43 PM   #5149
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Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post
I just learned that the Zordon actor was merely a face and that there were two voices used. I never knew that like the suit actors the voice was by a different person especially since he is merely a head. Mandela effect must have prevented me from knowing there was a second voice for Zordon. I only remember the one.

While it is on my mind, what was the reason for Zordon and Alpha 5's departures in-story and behin-the-scenes? It seemed just as knee jerk as the Turbo replacements. It seems odd if it was already decided Zordon would be the catalyst to go into outer space. Funny enough, another Mandela effect, I don't remember Zordon in the Turbo finale at all,only showing up with Alpha 5 to see Tommy off.
David Fielding's likeliness was used for Zordon all throughout, and he even voiced Zordon up until "Calamity Kimberly", but also voiced him in "The Yolk's On You!". He left the show at that point, but they still used his likeliness up until the last time they used it in "Countdown to Destruction part 2", with the exception of T:APRM. After he left, Bob Manahan provided the voice.

I remember reading that Zordon was written out of the show because Bob Manahan chose to leave the show because of health problems. In the PR visual history book though, Jackie Marchand said that after five years, they thought they had done everything with Zordon. She mentions this at the time his death at the end of PRIS is discussed. I guess since they decided to write Zordon out of the show, they figured Alpha 5 should be written out with him. They always wanted to make some kind of dramatic change every season.
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Old 07-05-2024, 01:18 AM   #5150
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Originally Posted by Storm Eagle View Post
I guess since they decided to write Zordon out of the show, they figured Alpha 5 should be written out with him. They always wanted to make some kind of dramatic change every season.
I have a higher tolerance of the Turbo era than a lot of fans, but Zordon and Alpha's departures were such abrupt and random bulls*it that it was the first time I recall being outright venting displeasure at a major change in PR.

I'd have been OK with it if Lerigot had become their mentor.
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Old 07-05-2024, 11:01 AM   #5151
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Originally Posted by Storm Eagle View Post
David Fielding's likeliness was used for Zordon all throughout, and he even voiced Zordon up until "Calamity Kimberly", but also voiced him in "The Yolk's On You!". He left the show at that point, but they still used his likeliness up until the last time they used it in "Countdown to Destruction part 2", with the exception of T:APRM. After he left, Bob Manahan provided the voice.

I remember reading that Zordon was written out of the show because Bob Manahan chose to leave the show because of health problems. In the PR visual history book though, Jackie Marchand said that after five years, they thought they had done everything with Zordon. She mentions this at the time his death at the end of PRIS is discussed. I guess since they decided to write Zordon out of the show, they figured Alpha 5 should be written out with him. They always wanted to make some kind of dramatic change every season.
I watched a clip of the Green Ranger joining the team and Zordon sounded off. It turns out it was the actor's voice? It sounds right with his season 2 on voice and it's a different person. I find it amusing. OK, so the face actor was the voice, but it changed because the actor left.

Considering everything Boom! did with Zordon I am sure there was more that could have been done, within show budget to build lore.
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Old 07-05-2024, 06:06 PM   #5152
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Originally Posted by ZariusTwo View Post
I have a higher tolerance of the Turbo era than a lot of fans, but Zordon and Alpha's departures were such abrupt and random bulls*it that it was the first time I recall being outright venting displeasure at a major change in PR.

I'd have been OK with it if Lerigot had become their mentor.
The only thing I didn't like about Turbo was Bulk and Skull being chimps.

Zordon and Alpha 5's departures did come out of nowhere, but I don't think I'd have liked Lerigot being the new mentor any better. I didn't like that Dimitria spoke in the form of questions (or even riddles), but I did think it was kind of strange to change that.

Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post
I watched a clip of the Green Ranger joining the team and Zordon sounded off. It turns out it was the actor's voice? It sounds right with his season 2 on voice and it's a different person. I find it amusing. OK, so the face actor was the voice, but it changed because the actor left.

Considering everything Boom! did with Zordon I am sure there was more that could have been done, within show budget to build lore.
I guess it's different with the comics. They must have really wanted to change a lot of things in Turbo, with Tommy and the others finishing high school and then leaving later.
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Old 07-06-2024, 03:01 PM   #5153
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I have several Mandala Effects related to Power Rangers. I cannot be the only one.

I did not recall at all that Zordon had two voices.

I do not remember Zordon being the reason that Divatox was summoned away after her successful attack and the Turbo Replacements going after her.

I thought the green candle limited Tommy's green powers not vanquish them completely. Episodes did not air in order so I thought he just did not appear in every episode from The Green Candle to White Light because his power had become limited.

I thought the Youth Center/Juice Bar was attached to the high school.

I thought Zedd killed The Machine Empire after the Zeos severely weakened them in a giant-sized fight.

I thought the lava monster was revived by Divatox not a separate character that served as the Anti-Monitor.

I thought the kid in the first movie was the same as in the second one.

I thought it was revealed that Tommy was half-Native American not realizing it was his brother that was adopted by a Native American couple.

I do not remember Zedd ever shrugging off he was duped with a love potion and just going with it because it would be so out of character to not just have her executed.

I do not recall ever knowing that there were two different actresses playing Divatox. So maybe a Mandela Effect or maybe ignorant child. I was wise enough to know that the
Dear John Letter was completely out of character for Kimberly and was a plot device to put Tommy with her replacement since she was onscreen, but not aware it was a Japanese adaptation. Those are mine, what about you?
Michelangelo: This looks like a job for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
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Last edited by MikeandRaph87; 07-06-2024 at 07:12 PM.
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Old 07-06-2024, 03:22 PM   #5154
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Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post
I have several Mandala Effects related to Power Rangers. I cannot be the only one...

I thought the Youth Center/Juice Bar was attached to the high school.
Somehow, I never realized they were different at all. I'm with you on that one.
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Old 07-06-2024, 07:27 PM   #5155
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Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post

I do not remember Zedd ever shrugging off he was duped with a love potion and just going with it because it would be so out of character to not just have her executed.
I'm not sure he "shrugged it off". I've been thinking that he has been affected by the love potion for so long, that the effects have become irreversible.

I don't believe I have any Mandela effects, as I was able to watch episodes all the way through. I just didn't get to see the first season episodes often when they were active since it was on at a time when I was getting out of school for the day. So I mostly saw episodes on school holidays, snow days, and Saturdays. I eventually got caught up on them later, and even saw episodes in reruns during the time when season 2 was active. I thought I saw all of the episodes then, until I saw a rerun of "Gung Ho!" in 1997.
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Old 07-06-2024, 08:30 PM   #5156
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I think Hasbro will sell. Do you guys think they will?
Sadly even if they do I don't know if they'd bring back the original continuity back. In a way I do see the end Cosmic Fury as my dropping off point.

If they ever adapt new sentai but it's not connected I won't be interested unless it's crazy good which it won't.
If they adapt new original suits in a new reboot I won't care.
If they just to adapt MMPR to milk nostalgia, I'll check some of them out if they appeal to me, but just out of curiousity, not because I'm dying for MMPR reboots, the charm of MMPR is in the original show with its early 90s aesthetic and footage limitations and actors. without that, it's not like the story or lore of MMPR is THAT great.

Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post
I thought the green candle limited Tommy's green powers not vanquish them completely. Episodes did not air in order so I thought he just did not appear in every episode from The Green Candle to White Light because his power had become limited.
I think they do imply there's still some power left but they don't want to use it unless it's a real emergency. They probably left an ambiguious line like that just in case they needed to use some footage with the green ranger before their white ranger footage started.

I thought the Youth Center/Juice Bar was attached to the high school

I thought Zedd killed The Machine Empire after the Zeos severely weakened them in a giant-sized fight.
I also thought it was part of the school as a kid, I guess as an adult I did as well? It has to be near the school I would think.
And Zedd does destroy them in the end doesn't he? I thought that was the ending of Zeo when they got "we're back" perhaps that's what you're confusing.

I do not remember Zedd ever shrugging off he was duped with a love potion and just going with it because it would be so out of character to not just have her executed.
I remember feeling like that as well.
[/QUOTE]I do not recall ever knowing that there were two different actresses playing Divatox. So maybe a Mandela Effect or maybe ignorant child. I was wise enough to know that the [/QUOTE]

I think as kids we just didn't notice, I never noticed the obvious japanese footage or japanese humans badly edited. I never noticed the cast change that Jason/Trini/Zack weren't there, they fooled me completely. (Granted it helped that at that specific arc I was watching a dub so the characters kept talking in their "real" voices)
Dear John Letter was completely out of character for Kimberly and was a plot device to put Tommy with her replacement since she was onscreen, but not aware it was a Japanese adaptation. Those are mine, what about you?
Is it? a lot of women can be like that, especially in long distance relationships. The whole thing is really messed up seeing it as an adult, as a kid I guess you're supposed to shrug it off but let'st ake a look at it because no one comes off looking good.
Kimberly: She basically cheated on Tommy and sends her this letter.
Tommy: Quickly jumps off to another relationship with the new pink ranger, who by the way seduced him while he was still dating Kim.
Kat: She tried to steal Tommy from Kimberly. No one is buying the "oh I was under a spell now I'm besties with Kim". As soon she's out of the picture she jumps at the chance.
Adam: what the hell man, you keep reading the letter out loud instead of telling Tommy that it's personal and he should read it on his own?
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Old 07-06-2024, 08:50 PM   #5157
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Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post
I thought Zedd killed The Machine Empire after the Zeos severely weakened them in a giant-sized fight.
Originally Posted by sdp View Post

I also thought it was part of the school as a kid, I guess as an adult I did as well? It has to be near the school I would think.
And Zedd does destroy them in the end doesn't he? I thought that was the ending of Zeo when they got "we're back" perhaps that's what you're confusing.
They didn't destroy the Machine Empire. The explosion just dismantled them, and King Mondo was still able to talk. They just needed to be put back together again, and I guess Dark Specter did it once he started recruiting the villains after having had captured Zordon. King Mondo and Queen Machina were even shown in Blue Senturion's message. I just wish we could have seen more of them in PRIS like we did Divatox.
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Old 07-06-2024, 09:11 PM   #5158
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It was just before I stopped watching, I remember Rita Repulsa and Divatox having a cat fight but then * had to look up her name * Astronema was sent after the Rangers instead of Divatox despite her just defeating them. Mondo and Machina were there rebuilt as if nothing happened and I guess appeared in the last episode of the season too. I meant I assumed they were the first dead main villains. I guess my wanning interest caused me to forget.

As for the Dear John Letter it was one of the first times I noticed something that is out of character and was wise to the fact, oh Kimberly's actress left so they can't have them in a long-distance relationship so thry put her replacement as a replacement girlfriend. I knew about long-distance relationships thanks to growing up with Full House and mad that Danny and Vicky were not allowed to be together.

I'm glad I am not the only one who thought the Youth Center/ Juice Bar was attached to the high school. I was feeling dumb about that one. It seemed plausible because it was not uncommon for school events to be held there. Not to mention my alma mater has a pool which is closed off from the main building and accessible to the public through a unique entry and I know of another high school that had a Juice and Coffee Bar so it is plausible.
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Old 07-06-2024, 10:18 PM   #5159
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Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 View Post
I thought the lava monster was revived by Divatox not a separate character that served as the Anti-Monitor.
You're thinking of Maligore from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, his costume was later reused for Dark Specter in Space. Divatox even says they look the same.
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Old 07-07-2024, 03:50 AM   #5160
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One of the original drafts for Forever Red was going to involve Dark Spectre's cult attempting to resurrect him and I think they had intended to reveal he was related to Maligore in that, can't be too certain though.
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