Originally Posted by Zog The Magnificent
And considering it was born entierly of spite on Ciro's part, and the fact that none of the rest of the crew seem to like it or consider it the real ending, I think Nick is entirely justified classifying it as an elseworlds tale.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Ciro deny this accusation, but yeah… kinda seemed like he wanted to cover his tracks in case Nick thought they could give him the boot and continue the show in an undesirable manner.
But at the same time, why didn’t Nick just shut this down at the script level if they didn’t like it?
Anyways, he always said from the start that he needed 4 seasons, and he got it. Season 5 started with a nice little epilogue between Kavaxas arc and Lone Rat and Cubs, but the rest of it was (really good but) superfluous. I never had a major issue with the last three episodes, but I would probably rather imagine the guys going on a few adventures and living out their lives in NYC rather than in the wasteland all separately and freakishly mutated.