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Old 05-29-2007, 05:19 PM   #421
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Originally Posted by jeff the cheff View Post
Missed that part...Umpires always seem to miss the obvious calls.

But I don't know if they lost because of that call.
Hehe, well... That's true. But if it hadn't been for that call, there would have only been one out and bases loaded.
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Old 05-29-2007, 06:21 PM   #422
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Originally Posted by TMNTerminator View Post
Not sure if i missed it in the aritcle or not, but I heard that he couldn't even swim...if thats true, why put yourself in a position like that? Regardless, it is a very sad death...
They weren't wearing flotation devices, so I'm sure he would at least know how to swim....right?

Either way, thats a sad story
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Old 05-29-2007, 06:37 PM   #423
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Originally Posted by Benvenuto View Post
Am I the only person here hoping for Spurs vs. Pistons II in the Finals?
Probably not but if that does happen it will be terrible for ratings. These 2 teams are just super boring to watch.
Since the Spurs are winning the West. I'm still holding out hope for another awesome game from LeBron to even that series up. Hughes is a bigger loss than some people think, in my opinion. He was able to do a good job guarding Billups, think he has like 17 turnovers so far, because he's a bigger PG. Here's to LeBron cramming on 'Sheed again too, man that was nasty.

Halftime Update: YES! Keep it up Cavs. Anyone else notice Mr. Wallace slide out of the way when LeBron was coming down the lane?
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Old 05-30-2007, 10:00 PM   #424
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Well, the Cavs pulled it out....looks like its gonna be a good series...I really hope the Cavs make it and ultimately win it (very unlikely IMO)...

And yea, Pistons v Spurs will not be particualrly exciting but I'll be watching...

In closing, Utah looks like crap...
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Old 05-30-2007, 10:59 PM   #425
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Don't get me wrong, I'll be watching too. The Finals are the last hurrah until football season (I'm not a big baseball fan although I'll watch the WS). I'm really hoping the Cavs can pull it out. Lebron needs to play like he did the last 2 games/huge in the 4th for them to move on. Game 5 will be really big in this series. The Pistons probably match up better with the Spurs though. I agree with you Terminator the Jazz looked teeeeerrrrible. Are the Spurs that good or are the Jazz that bad? I think it's the latter.

And when football does start...Go Cowboys!

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Old 05-31-2007, 06:06 PM   #426
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Billy Donovan is leaving to coach the Magic

Man, the team has officially been completely deconstructed...and I'm sure a good amount of our star recruits will be bye-bye as well...

I cant really blame him though...I mean back2back championships-can't ask for much more than that..not to mention the 6 yr $36 million contract offered by Orlando...but still, it sux BIG TIME...
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Old 05-31-2007, 06:33 PM   #427
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Originally Posted by TMNTerminator View Post

Billy Donovan is leaving to coach the Magic

Man, the team has officially been completely deconstructed...and I'm sure a good amount of our star recruits will be bye-bye as well...

I cant really blame him though...I mean back2back championships-can't ask for much more than that..not to mention the 6 yr $36 million contract offered by Orlando...but still, it sux BIG TIME...
Bad move.

Money wise it's ok but I don't think he'll be a successful coach on the pro level.
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Old 05-31-2007, 06:53 PM   #428
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Yep...most coaches don't...he coulda built a dynasty here....oh well...
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Old 05-31-2007, 07:59 PM   #429
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Yea he could've, but now you guys might be in some trouble.

So I'm watching the Pistons-Cavs game and McDyess just got thrown out of the game. It was a hard foul. He did get ball but he got Side Show Bobs neck on the foul thru...I'm sure there was a little flop involved. I knew it would be a flagrant, but a flagrant 2? That's bull. How can you throw a guy out based on that one play. Like Steve Kerr was saying, that should only happen if a series has been chippy or a player has a reputation of hard fouls. The series hasn't been chippy and McDyess' nickname is McNyess. Maxiell is really stepping up this series so hopefully it wont matter. Webber will have to step up though.
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Old 05-31-2007, 10:12 PM   #430
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Sorry for the loss there TMNTerminator..but remember your team has back to back championships in basketball. Nothing to be down about....your squad will still get alot of respect.
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Old 05-31-2007, 11:33 PM   #431
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Lebron is KILLIN' EM. 25 straight, 2 dunks in crunch time all I can say is It's looking good for the Cavs headed back home, but this exact same thing happened last year almost to a T. The Cavs have improved a lot since last year imo.
That was totally flagrant 2 on McDyess he never attempted to get his other arm out of the way.
And ya that's tough Terminator but I think Donovan did what he could at UF especially with all their key players leaving; there's no such thing as a dynasty anymore guys have too much money waved in their faces. As for his pro performance who really is a good NBA coach anymore? People will say Phil but what are the Lakers doing now? It's all about GM work at that level.
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Old 06-01-2007, 01:13 AM   #432
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Just saw highlights of the cavs-pistons game...great game I wish I watched it. I won't miss the next one, I'm rooting for the cavs, theyre exciting.
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Old 06-01-2007, 11:22 AM   #433
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Just what I feared...LeBron growing up during the series. I cant understand how he got so many wide open dunks at the end of regulation and the overtimes. Where was the help defense? That drove me nuts.

This game 6 is one of the biggest games I can remember the Pistons having. Billups is a free agent. We lose, I think he's gone. Then Rip won't be happy and it'll all fall apart. LeBron had the game of his life and it was still a 2pt game. If they can somehow pull it off I gaurantee they win game 7.

This is like last year all over again. But instead of losing Ben, it'll be Chauncey. This could be the beginning of the end.

And if you seriously think that was a flagrant He went for the ball, got ball, and got his head on the way down. It was a hard foul no doubt, but a flagrant 2 is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard. The league has become so weak.

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Old 06-01-2007, 11:50 AM   #434
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Where did he get ball? If he was going for the ball he wouldn't have jumped because Sideshow stilll had the ball at his hip. He came across his body and never attempted to lift his arm out of the clothesline. He wanted to take him down to send a message cuz that's the Pistons game. I don't think there is anything wrong with a physical game, but you have to take the punishment if you want to reap the rewards.
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Old 06-01-2007, 02:54 PM   #435
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He did hit the ball. He went over his shoulder to get it, thus hitting him in the neck.

Did you see how fast that play happened. Rip lost his guy and McDyess did the right thing by not giving up the dunk(why didnt his teamates do this with LeBron late in the game). I really don't think he meant to take him out. He had a split second to react to the play.

"He came across his body and never attempted to lift his arm out of the clothesline."

wtf? That doesn't make any sense. Of course he didn't. He swatted at the ball and you expect him to draw his arm back up before making contact? What's your point?

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Old 06-01-2007, 03:38 PM   #436
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Originally Posted by Mr. Snackpants View Post

"He came across his body and never attempted to lift his arm out of the clothesline."

wtf? That doesn't make any sense. Of course he didn't. He swatted at the ball and you expect him to draw his arm back up before making contact? What's your point?
Dude you are letting your loyalties blind you on this one. He never EVER gets a piece of ball.

My point is that he could have lifted his arm after the initial clotheline instead of following through and even going out of his way to reach back to make sure Sideshow goes to the ground.

He couldn't have lifted his arm at that point?? Thus flagrant 2, good night Mr. McDyess. At least you get him back for game 6.
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Old 06-01-2007, 04:04 PM   #437
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Those pictures are much clearer. I guess he didn't touch the ball but watching the video I have no doubt his intent was to go for the ball and knock him on his ass and not to go for his head and knock him on his ass. It couldn't of been that bad if he wasn't suspended for game 6, since the league has been cracking down on these types of plays.

If you want to see something intentional....

LeBron didn't get anything for that even after the game but Kobe was suspended for it. If that call doesn't even draw an offensive foul then how can you throw out McDyess?

And no, my loyalties are not getting in the might've been the crappy videos I was watching it on. I am able to look at things objectively. I thought he hit the ball but I was wrong. If the same play happened the other way I still would've been shocked to see Sideshow get thrown out.

Agree to disagree I suppose. It really didn't have any effect to the outcome...McDyess wouldn't of been able to help stop LeBron last night. I'm glad he'll be back next game because the Pistons will need everyone, and everyone playing at their best.

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Old 06-01-2007, 05:02 PM   #438
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I don't doubt that he intended to go for the ball when he stepped over but I think he got a little carried away once he started, which is understandable. Had that play happened on the other end of the court I think you have an argument there, Sideshow would be less likely to get ejected. But like I said earlier that's kind of the Pistons' philosophy to be physical and refs know that.

Wow I don't remember seeing that play. It sure was intentional on Lebron's part. I personally thought it was crap they suspended Kobe for that because it was his forarm, but Lebron straight 'bowed CWebb there. Point taken.

Either way it's gonna be an interesting finish in this series.
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Old 06-01-2007, 05:16 PM   #439
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Originally Posted by JetsAndHeels View Post
Sorry for the loss there TMNTerminator..but remember your team has back to back championships in basketball. Nothing to be down about....your squad will still get alot of respect.
Thnx sure was a hell of a run...I'll never forget it

And man, Lebron is a beast! I watched the game in its entireity and boy was I glad I didnt go to sleep. And what happend to your boy chauncy? He shoulda iced it at the end of reg instead of tryin to get the foul...

The Pistons are in some serious trouble now...
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Old 06-01-2007, 05:31 PM   #440
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Originally Posted by TMNTerminator View Post
Thnx sure was a hell of a run...I'll never forget it

And man, Lebron is a beast! I watched the game in its entireity and boy was I glad I didnt go to sleep. And what happend to your boy chauncy? He shoulda iced it at the end of reg instead of tryin to get the foul...

The Pistons are in some serious trouble now...
Terrible series. I don't know if it's the Cavs or Chauncey. You certainly have to give credit to Gibson and Hughes because they are big, physical guards like Chauncey. But he just isn't the same...stupid turnovers and bad mistakes in crunch time. Unless he turns it around it's going to hurt him come FA time.

If I know this team at all they will be in this game to the wire. They're at their best when they face such adversity...but they may have dug themselves too deep a hole if LeBron continues his dominant play.
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