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Old 02-21-2013, 07:36 PM   #81
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Does anyone really like video games anymore?
Sometimes yes

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Old 02-21-2013, 07:40 PM   #82
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This was kind of interesting:

Sony's presentation helped Nintendo's stock.
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Old 02-21-2013, 09:58 PM   #83
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Interesting since Nintendo stock declined recently due to the rumors of canceled projects.

This sums up the PS4 reveal pretty well:

Guy looked like he was literally going to burst into tears. Probably the most unintentionally funniest part of the presentation.
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Old 02-22-2013, 11:55 AM   #84
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Does anyone really like video games anymore?
I love video games, but I don't like what they're becoming.

Honestly, my favourite stuff from this gen has been the games in the middle of the pack. Not the awful bombs or the AAA blockbusters. Stuff like Enslaved, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, Binary Domain, Viva Pinata and Asura's Wrath. The kinds of games that are less and less likely to happen as games that either require no effort to sell (iOS trash, Facebook games) or incredible amounts of effort to sell (Call of Duty) are the things making money. The industry is becoming hit-driven to the point of insanity.

Another huge issue is that if a game hits, you're sure to see multiple sequels (sometimes annually) and if the game was a hit in a very specific hardcore genre, you can bet subsequent sequels will become less and less interesting to the people who loved the first and made it a success, due to excessive simplification and a shift to action focus. Look at Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 3 and Resident Evil 6 as examples that come immediately to mind. Even Skyrim is guilty of it to an extent. Nintendo built an entire console around making games as simple as possible for an audience that wasn't the people who kept them alive through two generations of mediocrity.

I'm still excited about games and I'm not against sequels to incredible series, but I feel like the game enthusiast is being shoved further and further out of an industry built on our backs, as everyone tries to chase the dreaded "casual gamer" and CoD zealot.
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Old 02-22-2013, 03:00 PM   #85
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^ Yes milking it until there nothing left.

I also love video games.

They don't need to be charged the whole time. I hate that of mobile games.

I miss games like Heavy gear (mech game) , Broken Sword (adventure game) , Descent or Terminal velocity (Space type game). I had so much with those.
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Old 02-22-2013, 03:06 PM   #86
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Gaming is changing a lot, and I'm excited for the future of gaming. Not the near future, I don't really care for more shooters or just better graphics. I want the virtual reality stuff I dreamed of as a kid and with stuff like motion controls, 3d and Oculus Rift, we're getting there faster than we may think. I'm guessing by the end of this new "current"gen of consoles (that's right Wii U is current gen and PS3/360 are lastgen).

Who knows what's going to happen, the DS and later the Wii opened up a new crowd of casual gamers that made Nintendo very rich while Sony/MS were bleeding money for appealing to the hardcore until they tried to go for that market. The reason Nintendo was also successful was because the other consoles were priced too high, when they lowered in price they got the upperhand from Nintendo which is why nintendo should've released a Wii HD when the other consoles were cheaper, that ate their market since those were indeed more powerful systems. Now casual gamers have fled to phones/tablets/facebook and there's no way Nintendo will recover them, they obviously don't have the hardcore market so at the moment unless they do something aggressive like a price cut to make a massive comeback like they did with the 3DS the'll have to rely with only the kid market and Nintendo fans which isn't as bad as it may seem they've survived with them through out their worst times, Microsoft now that it has a place in the living room which is what they always wanted, they'll continue to go after that market while appealing to the hardcore but it's not their priority. And Sony I have no idea what they're doing, are they really trying to appeal to the hardcore gamer that is clearly a niche market in the gaming community now. And I wonder how aggressive they'll be with the price. The PS4 sounds good but if it's priced above 400 it's going to be another PS3 debacle again. This is Sony though, they saw everything they did wrong with the PSP and somehow did it worse for the Vita.

Who knows, this indeed might be the last gen, at least if it lasts another 7 years like last gen did. Streaming gaming is clearly the future, hardcore gamers might not like it but they're also the ones that said download only games would never replace physical formats just a few years ago and now people are ok with it and even Nintendo of all companies is pushing for it.
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Old 02-22-2013, 08:37 PM   #87
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Streaming games won't work until lag is reduced to a satisfactory amount, which it certainly won't be anytime soon, especially for the majority of people worldwide. I don't know about you, but I don't like hitting a button and not feeling my action immediately take place.

Anyways, on the topic of the industry at large, the casual bubble created such bloated expectations for how next gen consoles will perform and I think that's a huge issue right now. Both dev costs and expected returns have become so astronomical that there's no way companies focusing on making real games will make that kind of money anytime soon. The casuals are gone and it's time for everyone, especially industry doom-sayers, to set their expectations accordingly.

Sony looks like they're going to cater to us, which is why, despite my complete lack of interest in the majority of their exclusive titles, I'll be supporting them much more this go around. Microsoft is rumored to continue to focus on the living room media center bullsh*t, which makes me far less interested in them going forward. Nintendo is Nintendo and I think they'll be the first ones to realize they need to scale back expectations for their market going forward and set about their future endeavors accordingly. It'll probably be a painful transition for the industry as a whole, just look at the studio graveyard of 2012, but I don't think the stakes are as high as people are making them out to be, where we're left with a smoking crater where gaming focused consoles used to be and mutated husks of Call of Duty and Angry Birds shamble about to appease the masses.

I think Nintendo has the least to lose in this situation, but I fully expect to see Iwata, who I adore, sink because of the over-blown expectations for the 3DS and Wii U and I don't see Reggie lasting much longer, though given the piss-poor job he's done at NoA I'm not upset about that potential loss. I think Sony and Microsoft are the most vulnerable to this market shift. Microsoft can cut and run whenever, but I think they'd continue down the media center route and cut back on their games business before getting completely out of the loop. Sony is simply f*cked if the PS4 flops. The Vita is DOA worldwide, the rest of their business is in the sh*tter. The PS4 needs to capture a ton of that hardcore audience that's split up over PS3/360 if they're going to make a run of it. If the PS4 doesn't work out, I don't know that Sony is out of business entirely, but I think they get out of games.

Who knows, this may very well be the last generation of consoles. Everyone could get out of the business, or implode. Then Sega will jump back in and save the f*cking world. *starry eyes*
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Old 02-22-2013, 08:40 PM   #88
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Sony is still in financial troubles and haven't posted a profit in years. The PS4 really needs to sell well and can't repeat the slow start the PS3 had back in 2006/2007.

Hopefully when they announce the price they won't repeat the $599 nonsense from 2006.
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Old 02-22-2013, 08:59 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Peanut View Post
Streaming games won't work until lag is reduced to a satisfactory amount, which it certainly won't be anytime soon, especially for the majority of people worldwide. I don't know about you, but I don't like hitting a button and not feeling my action immediately take place.

Anyways, on the topic of the industry at large, the casual bubble created such bloated expectations for how next gen consoles will perform and I think that's a huge issue right now. Both dev costs and expected returns have become so astronomical that there's no way companies focusing on making real games will make that kind of money anytime soon. The casuals are gone and it's time for everyone, especially industry doom-sayers, to set their expectations accordingly.

Sony looks like they're going to cater to us, which is why, despite my complete lack of interest in the majority of their exclusive titles, I'll be supporting them much more this go around. Microsoft is rumored to continue to focus on the living room media center bullsh*t, which makes me far less interested in them going forward. Nintendo is Nintendo and I think they'll be the first ones to realize they need to scale back expectations for their market going forward and set about their future endeavors accordingly. It'll probably be a painful transition for the industry as a whole, just look at the studio graveyard of 2012, but I don't think the stakes are as high as people are making them out to be, where we're left with a smoking crater where gaming focused consoles used to be and mutated husks of Call of Duty and Angry Birds shamble about to appease the masses.

I think Nintendo has the least to lose in this situation, but I fully expect to see Iwata, who I adore, sink because of the over-blown expectations for the 3DS and Wii U and I don't see Reggie lasting much longer, though given the piss-poor job he's done at NoA I'm not upset about that potential loss. I think Sony and Microsoft are the most vulnerable to this market shift. Microsoft can cut and run whenever, but I think they'd continue down the media center route and cut back on their games business before getting completely out of the loop. Sony is simply f*cked if the PS4 flops. The Vita is DOA worldwide, the rest of their business is in the sh*tter. The PS4 needs to capture a ton of that hardcore audience that's split up over PS3/360 if they're going to make a run of it. If the PS4 doesn't work out, I don't know that Sony is out of business entirely, but I think they get out of games.

Who knows, this may very well be the last generation of consoles. Everyone could get out of the business, or implode. Then Sega will jump back in and save the f*cking world. *starry eyes*
Like, seriously; WHERE is your avatar from?

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Old 02-22-2013, 11:19 PM   #90
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It's Chie Satonaka from Persona 4. The sprite, more specifically, is from Persona 4 Arena.
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Old 02-23-2013, 04:00 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Peanut View Post
It's Chie Satonaka from Persona 4. The sprite, more specifically, is from Persona 4 Arena.
Ok. I've heard only good things about Persona games so far, should probably play them some day.

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Old 02-24-2013, 03:27 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Peanut View Post
Who knows, this may very well be the last generation of consoles. Everyone could get out of the business, or implode. Then Sega will jump back in and save the f*cking world. *starry eyes*
I wished Sega could return but their focusing on arcades. Maybe Atari should jump back in.
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Old 02-24-2013, 11:17 PM   #93
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I'm really interested in Watch Dogs, but I fear Ubisoft will turn it into their next-gen version of Assassin's Creed with a new sequel every year and run it into the ground.
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Old 02-24-2013, 11:21 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
I'm really interested in Watch Dogs, but I fear Ubisoft will turn it into their next-gen version of Assassin's Creed with a new sequel every year and run it into the ground.
That's valid.

And who added "peanut" as a tag?
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depressing, microsoft, nintendo, peanut, sony, video-games

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