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Old 05-26-2024, 04:44 PM   #1
Hench Mutant
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I'm Getting My Old NES, SNES and Genesis Game Back Soon

When I get my next disability check (SSI) later this week and I pay off my bills, I'm going on eBay to buy a HyperKin Retron system that supports old games of the NES, SNES, Genesis and Master System games along with the games I had to sell at an estate sale after my dad passed and just as I lost the house.

I can't believe I had to sell my classic game collection in the first place, because my mom felt they wouldn't fit in my current coach house studio. Regardless to what she thinks, I'm going to buy back my games, because I want them. These are the games I want as follows and system:

Ninja Turtles 1989
Ninja Turtles II The Arcade Game
Ninja Turtles III The Manhattan Project
Mega Man III
Legend Of Zelda (Gold)
Legend Of Link (Gold)
Little Nemo The Dream Master
Super Mario Bros W/ Duck Hunt
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Dragon Warrior
Ultima Exodus

Ninja Turtles IV Turtles In Time
Pit Fighter
The Legend Of the Mystical Ninja
Mortal Kombat I
Mortal Kombat II
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Sega Genesis:
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Ninja Turtles And The Hyperstone Heist
Tom and Jerry Frantic Antics

I won't get them all at once, because that can be too expensive for me to spend at once. I want to get the ones I can play with my best friend, who is coming over in a week or two and he's from that time period also.
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Old 05-26-2024, 07:56 PM   #2
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Save the money and just emulate them, man. Download the ROMS and that's it. Most of the time you plug those old games in anyways and the rose colored lens falls away and you play for 15 minutes and are done.
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Old 05-26-2024, 08:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by IMJ View Post
Save the money and just emulate them, man. Download the ROMS and that's it. Most of the time you plug those old games in anyways and the rose colored lens falls away and you play for 15 minutes and are done.
The Steam Deck is great for emulation. So many emulators for it all the way up to the PS3 era (even though not all PS3 ROM's play perfect unfortunately).
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Old 05-26-2024, 09:54 PM   #4
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I did downloaded the emulator/ROM version of those old games and I don't like having to memorize the keyboard in connection to a gaming controller. Besides, it's not the same as playing on a system cartridge in front of a HDTV which this console I'm aiming for is capable of.

Also, I had those old games as far back as 1985 when I was 3 with Super Mario Bros and it wasn't my fault I was told that I had to sell them in an estate sale after my dad passed away and I lost the house and half my stuff. I had a lot of stuff of my own and I couldn't take it with me to my current coach house studio. Those games brought me fond memories of my family, my friends and my youth and I want them back.

I know it's strange for a 41 year old man like myself trying to chase after his long gone past, but the 1980s and 1990s was a big deal to me, because back then, life in general was better: games, TV, movies, cartoons, bowling alleys, the games we played with our friends during school recess. If I can redo 1985-1999 again, I would.
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Old 05-26-2024, 10:27 PM   #5
Mad Dog McMutt
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Originally Posted by ResidentEvil7 View Post
I did downloaded the emulator/ROM version of those old games and I don't like having to memorize the keyboard in connection to a gaming controller. Besides, it's not the same as playing on a system cartridge in front of a HDTV which this console I'm aiming for is capable of.

Also, I had those old games as far back as 1985 when I was 3 with Super Mario Bros and it wasn't my fault I was told that I had to sell them in an estate sale after my dad passed away and I lost the house and half my stuff. I had a lot of stuff of my own and I couldn't take it with me to my current coach house studio. Those games brought me fond memories of my family, my friends and my youth and I want them back.

I know it's strange for a 41 year old man like myself trying to chase after his long gone past, but the 1980s and 1990s was a big deal to me, because back then, life in general was better: games, TV, movies, cartoons, bowling alleys, the games we played with our friends during school recess. If I can redo 1985-1999 again, I would.
I thought SSDI was disability. For me I have really painful neuropathy along with frequent migraines and degenerative disk disease. My body doesn't feel too good these days which sucks because I used to be a decent skateboarder. Anyway, sometimes I have found that when life is very hard and I don't want to cope with hard drugs or alcohol, that chasing some of my positive childhood memories can be a great thing for my mind. It's what led me back to the Ninja Turtles and to this web site. I don't know what kinda games IMJ played when he was a kid, but I love replaying through old games like Twisted Metal, Super Mario, Zelda and hundreds of others. All of my best friends live kinda far away these days so if I have to be alone, then I am gonna make the best of it. Chess is my favorite game of all though.
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Old 05-26-2024, 10:30 PM   #6
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by IMJ View Post
Save the money and just emulate them, man. Download the ROMS and that's it. Most of the time you plug those old games in anyways and the rose colored lens falls away and you play for 15 minutes and are done.
I was coming here to post exactly this. And if you need to have a "legit" NES or SNES controller in your hand I'm sure you can find USB ones somewhere on the internet to order.
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Old 05-26-2024, 10:54 PM   #7
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Also, you can play most of these games legally on the Switch as well, you don't need emulators. The old TMNT games are on the Cowabunga collection, most of Nintendo's big NES/SNES/N64 and Gameboy games are on the Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

Literally any popular old game is already on Switch anyway, besides some licensed games based on old movies/tv shows. Let alone all the old Megaman, Sonic, Castlevania, Contra collections are all on Switch too. Just play them legally on Switch.
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Old 05-26-2024, 11:50 PM   #8
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Just get one of those 3rd party emulator consoles that has essentially everything on it. If you don't want to do the PC emulation route, that's the next best bet.

Last Movie Watched: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's Echo (S1:E3).

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Old 05-27-2024, 07:43 AM   #9
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Last night I did a quick research on the Nintendo Wii system to see if it's possible to hook HDMI to it and it is, but you need an adaptor for it. So I'm going to buy a Wii system and my games back.

The games for the Wii I want back are:
Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles
Wii Sports
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Underworld
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Edition
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Old 05-27-2024, 11:14 AM   #10
Mad Dog McMutt
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Originally Posted by ResidentEvil7 View Post
Last night I did a quick research on the Nintendo Wii system to see if it's possible to hook HDMI to it and it is, but you need an adaptor for it. So I'm going to buy a Wii system and my games back.

The games for the Wii I want back are:
Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles
Wii Sports
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Underworld
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Edition
If you are getting a Wii then why not just buy a modded Wii filled with sega genesis, Snes, Nes, and gameboy games from Ebay? That's what I did and I use gamecube controllers to play all of those old games.
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Old 05-27-2024, 11:14 AM   #11
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Literally all those games have also been re-released in HD versions on modern consoles.
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Old 05-27-2024, 09:14 PM   #12
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You could buy a Raspberry pi and fill it with all the emulators you want or use an Everdrive cartridge on the original consoles. There are so many options better than spending a fortune to have the original games by feeding speculators on ebay.

Also, your past is gone, there's no reason to try to chase it, you won't get real happyness by doing that. Try to find something good in your present instead. Find new hobbies, try to know people near you. Your can only really live in your present, everything else are just memories and illusions.
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Old 05-28-2024, 09:23 AM   #13
Mad Dog McMutt
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Originally Posted by frank_one View Post
You could buy a Raspberry pi and fill it with all the emulators you want or use an Everdrive cartridge on the original consoles. There are so many options better than spending a fortune to have the original games by feeding speculators on ebay.

Also, your past is gone, there's no reason to try to chase it, you won't get real happyness by doing that. Try to find something good in your present instead. Find new hobbies, try to know people near you. Your can only really live in your present, everything else are just memories and illusions.
If you want to get technical then you could say that the present is an illusion as well. Everything we feel is just chemicals in our brains. I know for a fact that you can achieve some temporary delight in chasing some memories along the lines of games, movies, music, and T.V. shows. Nostalgia has helped me quite a lot while in the depths of depression.
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Old 05-28-2024, 05:32 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mad Dog McMutt View Post
Nostalgia has helped me quite a lot while in the depths of depression.
Oh, for sure! But you won't get out of depression through nostalgia, it's a double-edged sword even if it can fell cozy and relaxing. I'm sorry for your hard times, I hope you fell better now.
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Old 05-28-2024, 06:27 PM   #15
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Well you can say that my past is over, but I want my 1980s/1990s life (except school) back. Life was so much more enjoyable and easier back then than it has been since Y2K and that included video games, TV, cartoons and movies and recreational activities.

I wonder, being age 41, that going after my past is a form of a mid-life crisis, or am I still too young for that?
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Old 05-28-2024, 09:26 PM   #16
Mad Dog McMutt
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Originally Posted by frank_one View Post
Oh, for sure! But you won't get out of depression through nostalgia, it's a double-edged sword even if it can fell cozy and relaxing. I'm sorry for your hard times, I hope you fell better now.
I disagree that it is a double edge sword for everyone. We will just have to agree to disagree. Different strokes for different folks. I am doing much better than I was. I had extra bone on both sides of my hips that was tearing up my cartlidge along with a multitude of other physical problems without any diagnosis ay the time. Along with my girl of 5 years cheating on me and all of my closest friends no longer near me. My body felt so bad that I stopped going out a long time ago so I was out of the loop socially. Luckily I got surgeries on my hips, but my painful neuropathy will not go away and it also effects my wrists and hands. It makes guitar/bass playing painful. Talk about down in the dumps. Nostalgia and chess is what held me together. I used it as a positive weapon and I still do to this day. I don't think there was ever any negative drawback from my nostalgia indulgence. Some of us have so many problems that it isn't so easy to just go out and socialize and go on adventures. My adventure days are long behind me due to my legs. I feel like I can kinda see where this guy is coming from even though my problems are physical in nature.

Last edited by Mad Dog McMutt; 05-28-2024 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 05-29-2024, 12:12 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by ResidentEvil7 View Post
I wonder, being age 41, that going after my past is a form of a mid-life crisis, or am I still too young for that?
Nah, not a crisis. Just a difficulty to adapt to different times, a different phase of life. It's understandable.
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Old 05-29-2024, 01:20 PM   #18
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Well I got my SSI deposit today and not counting other things I pay for, I made the first game purchases.

NES/SNES/Genesis console
Ninja Turtles IV Turtles in Time - SNES
The Legend Of The Mystical Ninja - SNES
Super Street Fighter II - SNES
Monopoly - Genesis
Mortal Kombat - SNES
Pit-Fighter - SNES
Mortal Kombat II - SNES

Of course I had to buy important things; cat litter, 2 months of car insurance and Amino Energy.
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Old 05-29-2024, 02:57 PM   #19
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Where are you buying these from, ebay? You're spending a lot of your SSI money if you're on a fixed income.
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Old 05-29-2024, 04:05 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
Where are you buying these from, ebay? You're spending a lot of your SSI money if you're on a fixed income.
The only bills I have to pay is my VISA and gas for the house, which is only $29. My mom isn't charging me rent or any other utility. I still have Shell gift cards so I don't have to pay for gas anytime soon. My Visa's limit is $4,450* (I just requested an increase which is now pending).

Even if I don't have enough money from SSI to pay for my bills, my aunt can send me a check from my estate account I inherited from my dad. So no matter what, I'm covered.
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i'm strange

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