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Old 05-30-2024, 05:21 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Mad Dog McMutt View Post
I used it as a positive weapon and I still do to this day. I don't think there was ever any negative drawback from my nostalgia indulgence. Some of us have so many problems that it isn't so easy to just go out and socialize and go on adventures.
I better understand your point now and I like this part of your message. You USED nostalgia and not the other way around. That's good.
I hope you manage to get in touch with friends and go outside for a bit every now and then, even with your physical difficulties. Stay positive.
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Old 05-30-2024, 07:37 AM   #22
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So I can't speak for other brands, but I can tell about my experience with the Old Skool Classiq N HD console. Don't even think about using it without a game genie. The pins are so tight that it creates a "grip of death" on the game cartridge. You won't last a week swapping the games in and out without breaking the pins. Fortunately my first one broke soon enough that i was able to exchange it on amazon. You have to use a game genie and you never remove it from the console.
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Old 05-30-2024, 09:08 AM   #23
Mad Dog McMutt
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Originally Posted by frank_one View Post
I better understand your point now and I like this part of your message. You USED nostalgia and not the other way around. That's good.
I hope you manage to get in touch with friends and go outside for a bit every now and then, even with your physical difficulties. Stay positive.
Thanks. Every once in awhile I make the hour and a half drive to hang out with friends. So it's not like I am entirely alone. I used to have a whole bunch of friends, but through the years I lost touch with them. I do try to stay positive.
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Old 05-30-2024, 04:45 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Mad Dog McMutt View Post
I thought SSDI was disability. For me I have really painful neuropathy along with frequent migraines and degenerative disk disease. My body doesn't feel too good these days which sucks because I used to be a decent skateboarder. Anyway, sometimes I have found that when life is very hard and I don't want to cope with hard drugs or alcohol, that chasing some of my positive childhood memories can be a great thing for my mind. It's what led me back to the Ninja Turtles and to this web site. I don't know what kinda games IMJ played when he was a kid, but I love replaying through old games like Twisted Metal, Super Mario, Zelda and hundreds of others. All of my best friends live kinda far away these days so if I have to be alone, then I am gonna make the best of it. Chess is my favorite game of all though.
It sucks not feeling the best anymore, I'm sort of dreading hitting my 40s and 50s. Sucks being in constant pain with the mental health issues on top of it.
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Old 05-31-2024, 02:20 AM   #25
Mad Dog McMutt
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Originally Posted by tmntpower1988 View Post
It sucks not feeling the best anymore, I'm sort of dreading hitting my 40s and 50s. Sucks being in constant pain with the mental health issues on top of it.
It does suck. I didn't mean to sound like a Debbie downer, but I just wanted to show how for some people nostalgia can be a positive force that can uplift one's spirit.
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Old 05-31-2024, 11:19 AM   #26
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Nostalgia makes me feel good. I mean I watch movies from my time period, especially the good ol' 80s and 90s or earlier. I was born in 1982 and I watch The Three Stooges, which is my grandparent's generation.
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Old 05-31-2024, 11:52 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Mad Dog McMutt View Post
I don't know what kinda games IMJ played when he was a kid, but I love replaying through old games like Twisted Metal, Super Mario, Zelda and hundreds of others.
I played all the same stuff you did but now move the bar back to being very young but still playing Pac-Man and Berserk on the Atari. And I have fond memories of all of them spanning Rygar on the NES, Super Mario World on the SNES and Mega Man 8 on the PSOne. I counted change from a coffee can I kept as a kid to buy Mega Man on the NES.

It's not the games. It's the mentality. In the past I've put them on, revisited them, realized it was great and got my fix in a few minutes of playing. But to dig-in and play through those games all over again, beginning to end? That's cool if you do it, but I just start feeling like there are other things I should be doing with the time at this stage of life.

I think you should respect that on it's own merits before pointing fingers at people. My input about retro-gaming was positive advice based on my experience, your input was some kind of questioning of my experiences. Big difference. My input was designed to help with perspective, where your input was designed as a defensive, passive aggressive attack. I was helpful, you were rude.
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Old 05-31-2024, 06:48 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by IMJ View Post
I played all the same stuff you did but now move the bar back to being very young but still playing Pac-Man and Berserk on the Atari. And I have fond memories of all of them spanning Rygar on the NES, Super Mario World on the SNES and Mega Man 8 on the PSOne. I counted change from a coffee can I kept as a kid to buy Mega Man on the NES.

It's not the games. It's the mentality. In the past I've put them on, revisited them, realized it was great and got my fix in a few minutes of playing. But to dig-in and play through those games all over again, beginning to end? That's cool if you do it, but I just start feeling like there are other things I should be doing with the time at this stage of life.

I think you should respect that on it's own merits before pointing fingers at people. My input about retro-gaming was positive advice based on my experience, your input was some kind of questioning of my experiences. Big difference. My input was designed to help with perspective, where your input was designed as a defensive, passive aggressive attack. I was helpful, you were rude.
Did I hurt your feelings with my comment? I was only implying that maybe the games you played when you were a kid weren't that great if you only go back to them for a couple of minutes. Go cry me a river.
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Old 06-03-2024, 06:30 PM   #29
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Today I got the multi-format system and 6 games came in. I played through the Turtles In Time in upgraded 4K on the SNES and it looks and sound amazing. The picture quality is a lot better than it did on those CRT TVs 30 years ago. Not only did I play Turtles in Time (as Leonardo), I also beat it. I haven't played a SNES game off a console in many years but today, I played like I'm still an expert.

I'm so happy that I got this set up. The only downside is that the system came with only 1 SNES; 1 Genesis; 2 NES controllers, but so far the only games I have delivered are SNES games. My best friend is visiting me this week and I only have 1 SNES controller. I have 2 NES controllers, but no games yet. My Genesis game Monopoly comes tomorrow, but only 1 controller. Oh, well, I'll just have to get another controller for the SNES and Genesis for when he comes over in the future. It shouldn't be too expensive.

So if you like old games and want to see it on today's HD 4K TVs, this set up is the way to do it. I highly recommend it to any game enthusiast.
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Old 06-03-2024, 06:41 PM   #30
Andrew NDB
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I'm not one of these retro guys, but part of me would kind of enjoy playing old NES or SNES games on a decent-sized CRT TV. There's something about that "softness" that really makes NES and SNES graphics completely different vs. the flat coldness of an LED monitor.
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Old 06-03-2024, 07:12 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
I'm not one of these retro guys, but part of me would kind of enjoy playing old NES or SNES games on a decent-sized CRT TV. There's something about that "softness" that really makes NES and SNES graphics completely different vs. the flat coldness of an LED monitor.
Go for it. What's holding you back? Although those old CRT TVs are obsolete now. Maybe you can get one from a place that sells outdated tech. I still recommend HDTVs because of the sharpness. I just want to see what these old games look like on the A80L XR Processor Sony OLED TV.
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