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View Poll Results: Do you enjoy having a screen cap thread?
Yes very much, keep it up
***First of Two Latin Kings***, 909 Turtle Fan, A little *too* Raph, Alex, aliena, Alouicious, ame Senkai, Anarchistguy, Anarky, Aneras713, Anissina, AquaParade, artofstacy, AT-Man, Ava Collier, Avatar Yuffie, B.B Rayne, Bad Guys Lover, BartAllen, biblanca, blue_angel99, Bmaga123, bmxbandit, BoggleKng, Bossa Nova, Bowser_Koopa, Brandatello, Brinatello, Buffy, Buslady, Cascadia, Cassidy, CharmedSerenity, Chase, Child_Of_Whitestorm, comet_an_me, coryroo24, creativerealms82, Cure, CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy, Damien Kash, Damnalove2, damnhooligan, Daniel Orduna, darthsith19, Daunt, Demon_Shredder, DisKosh, Donnieee, Dontebell, doomiscool, Doppleganger, Duke, Édouard, erik, Evilsherbear, Fang Wolf, Fearless Leader, FearlessLeader, FireFly, Fledermaus, GameJesta, Garou, Gemma, GildedLily, Ginny, GK Punk, Gokhan, greencore2389, GreenShinobi, Gremlin, Guitar_Raph, Hamato Inya, Harukuro, hazlov2004, Hero, Herr_Shredder, HHB, holygrail, HorseTechie, hudemx, Husk, Hybrid DX, Inner City Blues, insandistr, Inuwashi-Gunjin-Savior, iris, J Legault, J'onn J'onzz, Jade Green, jaymq, JDavis, Jephael, Jester, Jivra, Jo269976, John Pannozzi, JohnTahu, Jones_Casey, Joshua33, KairiYojimbo, Kaneda, Kanon, Karai Samurai, Katie, Kazari, Kedi, Keldor1578, Kendamu, kerfootw, Kingpin, Kite, Koi, Kora, Krang, Krang316, Krangstein, KROW, Kunoichi_Haruko, Lady Venus, Last_of_the_Brunnen-G, Leogeddon, Leonardo·D·V, LeoRaph, Lil G, LioConvoy, Lioness-Goddess, LionO, Lisardo, Loco, longing for leo, LUCKFF, Luzmagica, Machias Banshee, magidkaiser, marleynaki, MarsicornYT, martinitolove, Masked Ninja, Master Splinter, masterninja, Meeko, megashredder, Mew, Michaelangelo|DAH, Michelangelo-Sama, Mike Bock, mike the party dude, MikeandRaph87, mikey2007, Mindy, Mobius One, Mondo J. Gecko, moonie, Mr Null, Mr.Turtle, MsMarvelDuckie, Mutagen, Mutant_Hero_Turtle95, Mutated Turtle, myconius, Neko Shaman, Nekotsuki, NightwatchersOnlygirl, Niki Asahina, NiNi, Ninjinister, ninjitsu_magic_47, nomekop, nwafreak, OA, oldmanwinters, out-of-exile, pannoni1, PDM025, pennydreadful, Phoenix Fire, PipingPringle, poobone, Powder, prescribeddrone, Prime, pwnage, Pyn, R-iZZy, Ra, Rafael-san, Raph, Raph ninja, Raph's Girl, Raphael71, Raphaella, raphdude, RaphiesDonnie, Raphschica, Rat_Queen_Valarian, rayfillet101, redsai4lex, Revan, Rhane, Rikirk, Rooish, Sabacooza, SaiTurtlesninjaNX, Samurai Usagi, Scandia, sdp, sensei#me, Sewer Bull, shadowflame611, Shark112, Shark_Blade, Sheila, Shiro Kame, shuriken, silverdragon, SimplySatire, Slade, Slap-Happy, SlayerX, Sleepingseeker, Snowkat, soliloquy, somebody, Spacebabie, Spitfire, starry, Starscream, stege-chan, Stingray69, Sunshine, Swany, SwordofTengu, TalonMC, Tazi, The Boston Ninja Turtle, thebrownranger, TheCanadiandrome, TheGreenMagic, ThemanthatwouldbeRaphael, TheShowstoppa, TheUltimateShredhead, thundermaster612, TMNachoT, tmnt transformer, TMNT571, tmnt_forever_fangirl, tmnt_girl, toitlen00b, tOkKa, tone-master21, Toonami Tom, Tora_Chan, Torrant2, ToTheNines, Tracey, triplexxx, trish_trash, TuЯco, Turo602, Turtle Dove, Turtleman100, TurtleMaster4, TuRtLeTiTaN, TurtleTitan97, Usagi-San, VaughnMichael, Venom, vincent27, Vivi, Volvagia, Whitewolf89, Wildgoose, Wolf Ninja, wyze2099, xfilesgirle, XxItachixX666, Zany Orange Dude, ZariusTwo, zkarlette, Zog the Equalizer
360 93.26%
No I'm sick of seeing pics and they take forever to load 5 1.30%
U guys have way too much time on your hands 21 5.44%
Voters: 386.

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