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Leo656 06-30-2020 08:21 PM

Not on his best day. Nothing but another troll putting on a front. We just slapped a Temp Ban on one'a them... and BOY is that some "coincidental" timing or what, huh?

The Rules say when you're booted, you stay out. What kind of person's life is so empty that they need to keep crawling under the fence into THIS sh*thole? It ain't like it's Vegas.

The guy was only ever here to stir sh*t. Your fascination with dirtbags and their insistence on sowing discord is bizarre to me. They don't deserve you defending them, especially those who admit that they just like stirring sh*t. This place is full of morons on a good day; morons AND jizz rags, we don't need.

We need to stop letting new people in, period. They're always just some bozo trying to weasel back in after they were booted for more than enough reasons.

AquaParade 06-30-2020 08:24 PM

Cool pics, Andrew.

I understand being on the pessimistic side of things, I’m unsure about it too, but I just can’t get on the “I already know exactly what this will be and it sucks” train. I think it”s a bit arrogant, with a dash of “I don’t want to be hurt again” mixed in, if I’m being honest.

Idk, to me it’s really not so dire that I have to stamp this thing out into the ground before even giving the creative team a darn chance or even a word on the matter. It’s not so serious that my soul will go “splat” if I keep an open mind and end up disappointed.

Leo656 06-30-2020 08:36 PM

Well, I'm nothing if not arrogant, so you're not altogether wrong. It's just completely not my fault that I'm always right.

It's statistics and deductive reasoning. Most things ARE terrible. If we acknowledge that as a Factual Statement, which it is, and on top of that if the visible evidence for something suggests it being terrible, then it's silly to disregard the evidence and live in false hope, that's all. It's begging for disappointment. If there's at least a 50% chance that ANY given thing can turn out terrible, and then you add certain other elements into the mix, it becomes VERY easy to predict things, that's all.

I mean Uwe Boll MIGHT have a good movie in him, because sure, anything's possible. Has he ever, or will he ever, actually MAKE a good movie? No, c'mon now, don't be silly.

It's soul-crushing to me because this franchise WAS one of my favorite things and now I hate myself for ever being stupid enough to give a sh*t about it in the first place. I generally don't get involved with anything that's so openly, unapologetically Stupid Sh*t For Morons as what this franchise has become, and the fact that at one time, for 5 minutes, it pretended that it had more potential than that is what enticed me. But no, that was a lie. TMNT really IS "stupid sh*t for morons" if you take it for the entirety of what exists under the branding, and I'm resentful for EVER having wasted my time on something so proudly and openly f*cking vapid.

I know I shouldn't care so much, but I do. I don't like having my time wasted or my intelligence insulted. This franchise has been almost nothing but both of those things for as long as I've been alive and it's only getting worse. Forgive me for finding that tragic. Things can and should be better. That's all.

EDIT: Hahaaaaa, GOT 'EM! Sayonara, F*ck-Face. If he wasn't just gonna come back with yet another fake account next week, I'd be more thrilled, but for now, Whooooooo.

Powder 06-30-2020 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew NDB (Post 1850526)
Ehhh... I don't think a CGI movie is the way to go at all (plus, they've tried that)... but I love these guys. Their humor doesn't always hit, but it mostly does for me. Sometimes hysterically.

Their niche is like "guilty pleasure comedy." Everything they've done has what I would consider to be "heart," though. If TMNT has to go the comedic route, this is the route and hands I'd probably trust it most to.

Pretty much this. It's an odd choice, but not necessarily bad. We can probably be guaranteed a bit of edge & warmth, & gags that will actually land. Might be cool.

If this means the Platinum Dunes movie has been cancelled, it's great news!

Leo656 06-30-2020 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Powder (Post 1850592)
If this means the Platinum Dunes movie has been cancelled, it's great news!

For me, choosing between letting Seth Rogen handle the franchise, or letting Platinum Dunes keep their hands on it, is a lot like asking me if I'd rather saw my scrotum open with razor wire, or taking an Exacto knife and using it to snip the little piece of skin that connects my bottom lip to my gums.

In a perfect world, neither one of those things would even be in the conversation. They wouldn't even be a supposition or a hypothetical.

This whole year is some Monkey's Paw nonsense. I demand recompense.

neatoman 06-30-2020 08:46 PM

I doubt the next Platinum Dunes movie is actually canned. I suspect this is like a Spider-Verse scenario, testing the potential of the franchise if you will.

By the way, since that movie will be a reboot, what shall we call the two previous movies? PD might not work anymore, seeing how PD is the production company for that movie.

Leo656 06-30-2020 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by neatoman (Post 1850594)
I doubt the next Platinum Dunes movie is actually canned. I suspect this is like a Spider-Verse scenario, testing the potential of the franchise if you will.

By the way, since that movie will be a reboot, what shall we call the two previous movies? PD might not work anymore, seeing how PD is the production company for that movie.

I'unno about that. These things cost money and this franchise isn't exactly raking in the bucks these days. They really took a bath on the last cartoon and toyline, by all accounts, and NOBODY bought the toys based on the two PD movies, I mean absolutely NOBODY bought those toys and those toys were the only reason they made the movies. I kinda don't think they're in any position at all to try and release multiple movie projects at once and pray something hits. Maybe, but I doubt it. They don't have a money tree to shake to their heart's content; the last few most recent TMNT products released lost money. They're desperate, but that also means they have to be frugal. They can't weather loss after loss. So I doubt they have two movies in development, and if so they won't come out anywhere near each other, it'll be years apart if at all. It's like the "Rise" movie people keep talking about; That movie can only happen if they've already spent too much money on it and have to recoup SOME expense, because nobody wants it and it's not gonna make any money. That thing is only gonna come out if they feel like they have to make some of their money back, not because they expect it to make profit.

So there's theoretically THREE TMNT movies in development right now: An animated one based on a failed cartoon that the network is too ashamed to admit was cancelled, another live action PD movie when the last one lost about as much money as the GDP of most small countries, and now this Seth Rogen thing. Odds are slim that ALL of them see the light of day; two of them Nobody Wants, and the newest idea has a pretty slim chance of being decent either. Nick's gonna have to get very picky-choosy, that's just the way it is.

Not trying to be a Negative Nancy, simply being pragmatic. For all of these movies to be released, there'd have to be a promise of profit, and TMNT is no longer guaranteed to make money, they're actually starting to lose more than they pull in with ever-more frequency. It's actually at the point where if they SUCCEED at something, that's the Exception and not The Rule. So putting out three or even two TMNT movies at once... nah, I doubt it. They're not gonna make any money, why accrue that much expense? Older fans are now aware the brand is sh*t, and the little kids have already moved on to the next fad and don't care what comes next for TMNT, they're over it already, it's dead to them. Two or three movies even when the brand was popular would have been overkill... now that it's mostly-dead, that would be absolute lunacy on the part of Nick/Viacom. They're almost guaranteed to lose a fortune if they go that route. Nobody's fault but theirs, of course, but that's what they get.

As for what to call the other two PD movies... I'unno. I just call them "The sh*tty TMNT movies", since nothing else comes close. So far, anyway!

AquaParade 06-30-2020 10:01 PM

Yeah, I guess I had assumed this takes the place of PD's next film, but I'll be glad if there are two films coming out. Honestly, keep throwing things at the wall for all I care. I just want one thing to stick, and if a mess is made in the meantime, at least it was interesting to watch unfold.

If PD has been canned, I'd love to hear more about it. Not that there would prob be much to learn. Might be cathartic though.

Leo656 06-30-2020 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by AquaParade (Post 1850599)
Honestly, keep throwing things at the wall for all I care. I just want one thing to stick, and if a mess is made in the meantime, at least it was interesting to watch unfold.

Just curious, and I swear I'm not trying to stir sh*t here, but are you also of the inclination to watch videos of car wrecks and people suffering gruesome skateboard injuries and things like that?

Not saying you are, and not casting any aspersions on your character, just saying that kinda sounds like how Those People talk and it jumped out at me. Like "Man, I'm glad it wasn't me whose brains were spilling on the concrete but damn if it wasn't funny to watch since it was someone I don't know." Some people really say those things.

I personally feel like there's more than enough suffering - and bad movies- in the world and we really don't need more of either, but that's me. I take no joy in watching people flail helplessly, I'd rather they just stay home. Then nobody has to lose and nobody gets hurt.

xChri5x 06-30-2020 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Leo656 (Post 1850484)
I don't support a f*cking logo on a sticker, pal, I support things worth supporting. Brand Names are meaningless. Grow up and get a clue.

YOU'RE the problem. You and your "If it says 'TMNT' on the label it's a masterpiece by default" horse sh*t. Brand loyalty is a f*cking cancer.

We "can't have nice things" because people in their goddamn 40s are still laughing at fart jokes and think THAT should be The Franchise. That's where this brand ought'a aim. Right at the Lowest Common Denominator.

You and your kind of "fans" can f*ck right off with your noise, pal. You have absolutely zero standards and blindly fall in love with anything that has a brand name sticker on it. That sucks. That ruins things for people with actual standards and taste. You're the entire reason we can only have TMNT products aimed at 5-year olds.

I know you're f*cking proud of yourself but if you had any sense whatsoever you'd be ashamed of yourself for being one of the primary reasons that this franchise is garbage now. "Yay! More garbage! At least it says 'TMNT' on the trash can!"

Every single thing you post about anything makes me sick. Kindly don't ever quote me again because I don't like replying to you. Everything about you disgusts me and it's time someone put you and people like you in your goddamn place. You're the reason the cancer has spread to the brain of this stupid franchise, and you're proud of it. That makes me sick. You have no idea. You have no idea how polite I'm being right now.

If you ever see fit to "call me out" again, I won't be so nice. "Enjoy your craphole, dumbass."

Wow, you're a specimen for sure. I gotta screenshot this beauty.

Leo656 06-30-2020 10:24 PM

.....Thanks? :lol:

I mean, glad I could entertain you, I guess. Have I seriously never caught your eye before now, though? You've been here a while apparently. I've been way more mean than that to people. I'm not even drunk today, for one thing.

I mean I was speaking from the heart but it's not even my best "work". ((Shrug))

Wildcat 06-30-2020 11:09 PM

I dont really care for Seth Rogen movies because Im not into marijuana but its just his company and Nick would obviously not allow a stoner comedy.

I look forward to it but Im not that excited at the moment. Not because of Seth Rogen I just prefer live action. I think it will be entertaining though. I liked TMNT 07.

I love cartoons and animation but when they get adapted into movies I want live action because I want to see them coming-to-life.

AquaParade 06-30-2020 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Leo656 (Post 1850601)
Just curious, and I swear I'm not trying to stir sh*t here, but are you also of the inclination to watch videos of car wrecks and people suffering gruesome skateboard injuries and things like that?

Not saying you are, and not casting any aspersions on your character, just saying that kinda sounds like how Those People talk and it jumped out at me. Like "Man, I'm glad it wasn't me whose brains were spilling on the concrete but damn if it wasn't funny to watch since it was someone I don't know." Some people really say those things.

I personally feel like there's more than enough suffering - and bad movies- in the world and we really don't need more of either, but that's me. I take no joy in watching people flail helplessly, I'd rather they just stay home. Then nobody has to lose and nobody gets hurt.

I think the answer here is that to me a failed ninja turtle movie is nowhere near as bad as a hideous car wreck. And I'm minding the fact that you are using an analogy, but I just don't see it as that big of a deal if a tmnt movie is a disappointment. I'm fine following the development, rooting for it like a battered sports team, and hoping for the best. I've never been one to eat up anything and everything TMNT related, but I don't mind giving it a chance.

Andrew NDB 06-30-2020 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Wildcat (Post 1850614)
I dont really care for Seth Rogen movies because Im not into marijuana

I'm not either, not even a little bit.

"The Interview"? Still hysterical. "This is the End"? Hysterical. "Pineapple Express"? Eh... a little overrated but OK. "Superbad"? Great!

Wildcat 06-30-2020 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew NDB (Post 1850618)
I'm not either, not even a little bit.

"The Interview"? Still hysterical. "This is the End"? Hysterical.

Im not strictly against watching any of them just most of his trailers are portrayed as...plot - but the characters are high.

Is that what theyre actually like?

Leo656 06-30-2020 11:57 PM

Aqua: As a Mets fan, I can almost understand.

As a rational human being, though, I often wonder WHY the hell I'm a Mets fan, because it just doesn't make ANY sense to be one unless you really, really love being disappointed. It's not like it's gonna improve, it is what it is and it ain't changing, ever. They're not gonna win The Big One, not in my lifetime. I could switch to a team with an actual chance, but I don't actually care enough about baseball to do so, so I really just don't pay attention anymore. Hurts too much to care so much, knowing in my heart that it's just not gonna get better. For my own sake, I had to just stop caring altogether. They'll always be "My Team", but even I fully acknowledge what a goddamn waste of life THAT is.

All the same feelings I get from following the Mets, when I bother, I now get from watching TMNT struggle impotently. And it makes me very, very sad. In both cases, we have a brand that was pretty great once upon a time, but now can't find its own ass with two hands and a map. And I'm sick of waiting for them to get their sh*t together and stop stinking up the joint. If it was gonna happen, it would've by now. If it ever happens, I'll celebrate, but until then... f*ck, man, I can't be bothered anymore. There's too many things that DON'T suck that demand my attention and affection. Things that are good consistently, and not just once every 15 or 20+ years.

In either brand's case, we're a long ways from '87 any way you look at it. And in both cases, I wonder why the hell I ever even bothered in the first place, when the total amount of joy I've gotten is minimal compared the amount of heartbreak and broken promises. If TMNT hadn't EVER been great, once or twice... if the Mets had NEVER won the Series at all... it wouldn't even matter and I wouldn't even care. But they DID touch greatness, once, and now... now it's like they don't even TRY. And in either case they fail because they deserve to, because they expect to succeed just by showing up and that's not how the game is played.

If you never touched greatness at all, nobody expects it from you, so no harm and no foul. But to actually reach that and then just not only fall short, but to forevermore be just fine with mediocrity, or even less than that... well, I can't abide it.

The '86 Series is all that Mets fans are ever gonna have, and the 1990 movie is all that TMNT fans are ever gonna have. That's the closest either one has ever come to being "respectable", or ever will. Doesn't have to be that way, but they made it that way, and that's the way it's gonna stay, forever. At some point, you stop trying to punch out the ocean and just realize that What It Is, Is What It Is, and "What We Hope It Can Be" just doesn't matter anymore.

I mean, if you go up to someone and say "I think the Mets are gonna win it all," they laugh and call you a crazy person, and rightly so. It's generally accepted that it can't happen, won't happen, period. So why is it so unthinkable, so outright impossible to accept, for some people, that TMNT has also had its day and is now just coasting on former glories which will never return? It's exactly the same thing.

I don't know, man. "Hope" as a concept just outright baffles me. Works fine in the context of fictional stories, but in Real Life it seems downright foolish. Most things, statistically, turn out to be Worst Case Scenarios. I don't make it that way, I merely Observe and Report. And I don't try to bring anyone down, I just... have to be realistic. I have to, it's just how I am. I'm far too old and far too jaded to keep saying, "Well... we'll get 'em next year." No, we ain't. Not next year, not the year after... it ain't happening. At some point, even the most hopeful kid realizes that Daddy didn't just go out for cigarettes and he ain't ever coming home. Acceptance has to occur before the healing can begin. If we cling eternally to false hope, there can be no acceptance, and in turn, no closure.

Daddy ain't coming home, and this brand is dead (or at least BRAIN-dead... I don't think anyone could argue THAT, at this point). It might take longer for some people to realize that than others, but... What We Want has nothing at all to do with The Way Things Really Are.

Could've been different, and I'll always wish it was. Part of me wishes I could be all "hopeful" and "optimistic", whether it be about this franchise or just in general, but... that requires a level of naivete and suspension of disbelief that I simply don't have in me anymore, and probably never did. I've always been a Realist, and Realists generally don't have time for anything that isn't quantifiable.

I really wonder in recent years why I ever bothered with this stuff. I was probably enchanted by potential rather than what was actually there, if I'm being totally honest. And that potential is what makes walking away so difficult, even though I know it's something I HAVE to do and even though I know that potential will never be realized. It's frustrating. Part of me feels like, the moment I turn my back, somehow we'll get that great movie or show or whatever, finally. The rational part of my brain knows better, but there's the same little voice in my head that tells battered wives that if they don't overcook the roast tomorrow, then they won't get a beating. That's why they don't leave, and that's why I haven't already turned my back on this brand even though I really can't stand it anymore. When you really love something, the Rational and Irrational parts of your brain are always at odds; you care when you shouldn't, and you don't abandon ship when it's obviously what needs to happen. "Because It Might Get Better Tomorrow".

Of all the movies Andrew mentioned, the only one I've seen any of that didn't seem like total dreck was "This Is The End". I haven't seen any of them in their entirety, but I've seen bits and pieces of most. They generally reinforce my opinion of, "If this is what passes for 'comedy', then I am apparently not a fan of 'comedy'." But I did see a few bits from "This Is The End" that made me snicker, mostly the Who's Gonna Rape Emma Watson bit. I've been tempted to pick it up but haven't seen it in a $5 bin yet.

I think I saw like 5 minutes of "Superbad" and wanted a house to fall on everyone involved. I'unno man.

sleeplessknight 07-01-2020 01:58 AM

Wow, I've loved everything Seth Rogan has worked on and I'm super excited to hear this is happening. Superbad is one of my favorite movies ever. I can't wait to see this.

It wouldn't be out of place to have a bit of stoner comedy in TMNT, after all, Townsend Coleman's Michelangelo voice in the Fred Wolf incarnation is based on the Jeff Spicoli character from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. (in an interview, Townsend Coleman specifically says that Michelangelo's voice is based on Spicoli)

I can see some people here are really passionate about their favorite version of TMNT. I've enjoyed the original Mirage comics, the Fred Wolf series (although I must admit everything after season 1 has not aged well), Archie comic series, New Line movies, 2k3 series IDW comics and the 2012 series. I absolutely hate everything else but none of that detracts from my enjoyment of what I did like. I give it a chance and just take it or leave it but acknowledge that not everything has to be made to my tastes.

Also, is a movie really truely "live action" if the main characters are mocapped CGI? I mean, they're not even there, not the same way puppets and guys in suits are. "Live action" just seems like a really fancy and detailed way of saying CGI cartoon to me.

LeotheLateBloomer 07-01-2020 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Vicky82 (Post 1850483)
I'm not really excited about this, because this movie will be on the same level as the 2007 movie but with a different story. However I rather have this than another Plantium Dunes TMNT movie.


Originally Posted by Powder (Post 1850592)
If this means the Platinum Dunes movie has been cancelled, it's great news!

My sentiments to these comments exactly. I'm not a big Seth Rogen guy myself and I'm not excited about this yet. But it could be something cool and as much as I want another live action film, I'd rather not give those clowns behind the last two films anymore chances!

Leo656 07-01-2020 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by LeotheLateBloomer (Post 1850635)
My sentiments to these comments exactly. I'm not a big Seth Rogen guy myself and I'm not excited about this yet. But it could be something cool and as much as I want another live action film, I'd rather not give those clowns behind the last two films anymore chances!

The fact that the same people responsible for the last two disasters were even being CONSIDERED for a third swing kind of illustrates how screwy things really are, and how nobody involved with the decision-making for this brand really knows what they're doing, or has any kind of long-term plan. If one thing is for sure, it's that absolutely nobody who had a hand in writing, directing, overseeing, or otherwise "crafting" the last two movies should ever be allowed near the brand again.

Everything I've been reading says there is no third PD movie to come and that that's been the case behind closed doors for at least the past year, they just never formally announced it because they didn't know what else to do yet. This will be yet another "full reboot/reimagining" of TMNT and the PD universe is completely dead and buried, according to all pertinent information as of today. So, there's that at least.

And that's definitely a good thing by any stretch. I'm happy that's all over and done with, because nobody could ever objectively claim those films as any kind of victory (both movies on one disc, for $5, and STILL nobody buys the damn things, they just sit and rot in the bin :lol:). But this is still more of a lateral move than a forward one. It's like saying "Man, I'm glad I only have Hepatitis C and not AIDS." Clearly, man, but c'mon, neither of those things is a "win" and you'd be better off having neither one.

Shark_Blade 07-01-2020 06:13 AM

I’m excited for it.:tgrin::tlove:
Bring back the cg visuals that I love.

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