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Old 01-31-2023, 11:11 AM   #749
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I am very much so looking forward to this season although my head is telling me that it's not going to go well.

My guesses for how this unfolds:

-it's mostly a cameo-fest of the TNG era cast
-it sets up a female TNG spin-off that the studio thinks is going to be huge but then will be pulled once whatever fan-backlash happens from however they will insult the audience this season
-Riker dies when in fact that character would be the best option for a spin-off
-Worf's "Pacifism" dialog is intentionally there to ease any attackers on Boomers or older Gen X. Basically so that the millenial and Gen Y brain trust can't write online articles about how he is an aging example of an old-era of angry old-men, made only a little bit harder to write because he isn't white
-The entire "Data Saga" is convoluted even more by Lore's inclusion, using some explanation for his "aging" that simply could have been used on Data.
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