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Old 05-02-2022, 05:13 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I was told that you can Edit thread titles if you were the thread creator, I think I did it once.

Yeah, Becky had a kid and I guess she was desperate to lose the baby weight and get back on TV because she came back way too skinny and only got worse from there. She's skin and bones, now. She SAYS it's from doing CrossFit, but I worked in the fitness industry, I know what Anorexia and Bulimia look like. When you can see the veins in someone's forehead and it looks like their skin is thinner than paper, they have an eating disorder. Her ass also went completely flat and her ribcage is unnervingly prominent. She looks awful.

A LOT of people have noticed it, too, but you can't point it out, even in saying "I hope she gets help" or else people White Knight on you for "body shaming". No, dummies, saying "Becky is Beautiful no matter what!" isn't going to make her wanna f*ck you. She clearly needs help, enabling her won't get her there.

She apparently took a long break from wrestling a few years before getting signed, because she went through a bad patch with an eating disorder and almost completely retired over it. So it's a shame that she beat it once, only to end up right back there because she didn't want to take her time losing the baby weight. People die from that sh*t, but I guess they were dangling a bunch of money in front of her and so she felt like she had no choice. It's a real shame.

And yeah, Stacy dated Test briefly, the highlight of which was Test going on Howard Stern and telling the whole world that Stacy liked it up the ass. I'm shocked they didn't stay together long after that.
Didn't know Becky had once an eating disorder. I know Alexa Bliss had one and she's openly talked about it before.

Didn't know that about Test going on Howard Stern. Reminds me, Stephanie didn't seem to dislike the idea of trying it.
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