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Old 03-08-2022, 04:04 PM   #12
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Hey, Sumac. I'm not sure how clarifying what you meant is "cowardly whining". I'm not someone who likes to pull up others for typos or using the wrong words sometimes as I do that myself but sometimes it's necessary to clarify what someone actually means. When this happens I don't get angry at that person.

I'm also not sure why you attributed a quote to me of something I didn't say. There's a difference between saying that trans people have been using bathrooms and changing rooms of their choice for decades "largely without incident" to saying that there are "no incidents" at all. Of course there is going to be incidents of assault in public spaces but incidents of trans people attacking anyone in places like rest or changing rooms is substantially less than people of the same cis gender attacking each other in these places.

No one ever said that maintaining a free and equal society would be easy. There will occasionally be instances were the rights of one group will conflict with the rights of another. The idea that the rights of the larger group should be protected more than the smaller is not something that should happen in an equal society. They are never pleasant but that's why we have conversations about these issues to find a path forward. Maybe the answer is gender neutral bathrooms/changing rooms but I tend to think the more likely outcome is that the hysteria surrounding trans people will die down in everyday life and people will simply accept them for what they are and allow them in to the spaces they feel are appropriate.

We've danced fandango before and I'll repeat what I said then; Most scientists say there are genetic reasons why someone's gender identity which is routed in the brain doesn't always align with the physical way they were born. It's also the common consensus that it's healthier for them to live their lives as the gender they identify as. Frankly this whole idea that they are their lifestyle is a choice, they are mentally ill, that they are rapists and shouldn't be allowed in public changing rooms is 100% what people used to say about gay people. Now we look back at that and think it was all ludicrous and I would bet ten or twenty years from now people will think the same about trans people...but hey it's easier to say that everyone that disagrees with you on this issue of lying.

Last edited by Galactus; 03-08-2022 at 04:48 PM.
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