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Old 06-15-2014, 01:39 AM   #6
Ninjutsu Master
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The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto


UH-OH we start off strong with the Russian arms dealer. He has excalibur, whoa. OH he wants Shredder's helmet, iiiiiiinteresting. He also has a rhino in a glass display FORESHADOWING!
He hires Bebop, err, Anton Zeck (master thief) to do it! Awesome. And he's responsible for his missing eye, so they are already strongly connected.
Pizza time. Peperoni again?
Mikey using the smoke eggs... again
We are getting a *LOT* of Dominic as Leo in this ep, that's for sure.
Shredder looking more hideous than I remember... whoa
Trying to convince Karai that he was trying to do the "right" thing... uh-hu. Well, I'd love to hear his side of the story.
Shredder hides his helmet under his throne like that? He must really value the thing.
Whoa Bebop's fighting style is wicked.
Backstory on the helmet, awesome.
Baxterfly! Tiger Claw! Rahzar! Fishface! All four on the job.
"Don't get mad at me... you know you look nasty!" Bwahahahaha.
Buzzkill? Will that be Baxter's mutated name now?
Diaper on Leo's head... I thought that was Donnie's lot in life. ("A-wrapa this diap-a around-a ya face-a")
"Why am I smelling... the baby poops?" oh lawdy
Oh crap... what a twist at the end!

Very good episode by my accounting. Great new character with Anton, strong action even featuring 4 on 4 at one point, some of the better funny moments we've had this season, even the sound effects felt above average (tiger claw making cat sounds when being hit :p)

Despite this being somewhat of a Leo-centric episode that also features a voice fill-in for Leo, I didn't find it impacted the quality at all. Dominic's voice, while different, fits the character to me.

My rating: A



Rhino clearly displayed. What's on the opposite site? Warthog?

Anton Zeck's calling card

"The clan's founder himself, the dreaded Koga Takuza was said to be the greatest ninja in the history of Japan. His skill with a blade was greater than any Samurai. Takuza laid waste to warriors and rulers alike. He stole the sacred totems of his defeated enemies and fused them into an alloy greater than steel! He himself forged the Kabuto, and it has survived undamaged to this day. I am sworn to protect it with my life. You will find it and bring it to me. Understand!?"

Last edited by Zulithe; 06-15-2014 at 02:10 AM.
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